Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp
Give Your Life a Soundtrack
Make Time to Make Friends
Laugh It Off
Get Outside
Ditch Your Routine
Become a Student Again
Focus on One Thing at a Time
Break a Sweat
Give It a Rest
Watch What You Eat
Feed Your Brain
Stop Smoking
Take Care of Your Heart
Get Help for Your Mental Health
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12) a_namenko / Thinkstock
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14) MIND_AND_I / Thinkstock
15) DragonImages / Thinkstock
Harvard Health Publications: “Mental strain helps maintain a healthy brain,” “Back to school: Learning a new skill can slow cognitive aging,” “Overeating may reduce brain function.”
Stanford University: “Media multitaskers pay mental price, Stanford study shows.”
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience: “Effect of Meditation on Cognitive Functions in Context of Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease.”
UC Berkeley Greater Good Science Center: “How Nature Can Make You Kinder, Happier and More Creative.”
University of Michigan: “Friends with Cognitive Benefits: Mental Function Improves After Socializing.”
International Psychogeriatric Association: “Recent Advances -- Smoking and Cognitive Functioning: The Dilemma.”
Johns Hopkins Medicine: “Keep Your Brain Young with Music.”
Mayo Clinic: “Alzheimer’s disease: Can exercise prevent memory loss?” “How risky is secondhand smoke?” “Overeating May Double the Risk of Memory Loss.”
Alzheimer’s Association: “10 Ways to Love Your Brain.”
American Sleep Association: “Sleep Deprivation -- Symptoms, Causes, Dangers and Treatment.”
National Sleep Foundation: “How Much Sleep Do We Really Need?”
American Psychiatric Association: “7 Tips to Help with Cognitive