Hepatitis News & Features
- CDC Says All U.S. Adults Should Get Hepatitis B Test
March 10, 2023 — Two-thirds of people in the U.S. who have the hepatitis B virus do not know they have it, raising the risk of developing incurable liver disease. Now, the CDC recommends that all U.S. adults get tested for the virus at least once during their lifetime.
- Instagram For-Profit Accounts Posting Faulty Health Information
November 9, 2022 — The platform offers opportunities to correct misinformation, but new evidence suggests that health conditions that do not have simple treatments – such as hepatitis B – can attract more posts.
- Caring For Your Mental Health When You Have Hepatitis C
Depression and anxiety are common in people with hepatitis C. Find out how to boost your mental health while you manage your infection.
- Finding Your Way With the Support of Others With Hep C
Learn how support from friends and family, professionals, online communities, and blogs can help you manage life with hepatitis C.
- What Happens When You Ignore Hep C
Understand the complications of untreated hepatitis C, and learn why early treatment is so important.
- Talking About Hepatitis C
Whether or not you tell people about your hepatitis C is your decision. If you want to tell folks about it, but don't know where to start, read on.
- Hep C: Working With Your Doctor
When you have hepatitis C, working closely with your doctor is crucial. Here’s what questions to ask to get the best care.
- Pros and Cons of Living-Donor Liver Transplants
Learn about the risks and benefits of a living-donor liver transplant -- for the person getting the new liver and for the donor.
- Life After a Living-Donor Liver Transplant
Whether you're giving away part of your liver or getting a new one, find out what to expect in the first few months after transplant surgery.
- Living-Donor Liver Surgery: What You Should Know
What you need to know if you need a new liver and you're considering a transplant from a living donor.
- Don’t Let Hepatitis C Define You
Hepatitis C can make you feel anxious or lonely. Learn how to cut through the stigma of this disease and start to feel better.
- Stop Stress for Help Against Hepatitis C
If you have hepatitis C, you have enough stress in your life already. But there are ways to handle that type of stress, and others, to keep you as healthy as you can be.
- How to Be Smart About Sex and Hep C
Should you tell your partner you have hep C? What do you say? And how do you have a safe love life?
- Hep C and Your Emotions: How to Get Help
The emotions that accompany a hepatitis C diagnosis can be overwhelming. We sort them out and tell you how to deal with them.
- Hep C and Your Emotions: How to Get Help
The emotions that accompany a hepatitis C diagnosis can be overwhelming. We sort them out and tell you how to deal with them.
- Hepatitis C Treatments on the Horizon
A look at the treatments that may be available for hepatitis C in the next few years.
- Self-Care Tips to Manage Hep C
Healthy living can make a big difference when you have hep C. Try these self-care tips to look and feel better.
- Self-Care Tips to Manage Hep C
Healthy living can make a big difference when you have hep C. Try these self-care tips to look and feel better.
- How Not to Wreck Your Liver
Living a healthy lifestyle is the key to keeping your liver in good shape.
- Viral Hepatitis: 8 Self-Defense Tips for Travelers
The risk of contracting viral hepatitis is higher for many Americans who travel abroad -- especially to regions where hepatitis is prevalent and sanitation is poor. Here are 8 tips to protect travelers.
- Viral Hepatitis: Eight Ways to Help Protect Your Family
Hepatitis A and B can lead to liver damage and sometimes death. But you can protect yourself and your family with these eight steps.
- Hep C and Supplements: Help or Hurt?
A lot of people take diet and herb supplements to ease hep C symptoms. But how well do they actually work? Take a look at the research on popular products.
- Between Friends: Living Donors
It's a trend that's changing transplant medicine. More and more people are willing to donate a kidney or part of a liver - while they're still alive.