Selena Gomez’s Lupus Journey

Medically Reviewed by Jabeen Begum, MD on November 19, 2021
2 min read

In 2017, Selena Gomez shared on Instagram that she’d had a kidney transplant at 24 years old. Her friend, Francia Raisa, was able to give her kidney to help Gomez. The reason she needed the transplant was that lupus caused irreparable damage to the organ. 

Selena Gomez has shared more about her journey with lupus. Her goal is to bring more attention to a lesser-known disease that more predominantly affects women. 90% of the 1.5 million Americans with lupus are female. 

Lupus makes your immune system attack your organs rather than fight off infections. Kidney complications are common in people with lupus. Over 60% of all lupus patients and two-thirds of children with lupus will have trouble with their kidneys. Studies show that Hispanic individuals with lupus have a higher risk for kidney complications. Kidney transplants can help lupus patients return to their everyday lives. 

Selena Gomez has been very open about her complications with lupus, including a necessary kidney transplant. This was necessary to help control her lupus. This condition can become mild and inactive in some cases after a transplant. She has also talked about how the chronic disease can remain dormant, but a sudden flare-up can be overwhelming. 

This condition causes more severe reactions in younger people. Immunosuppressant drugs and steroids are the most treatments for managing the symptoms. Gomez wants to share more about her journey with lupus to bring awareness and help more people treat the condition.

When celebrities are open about their conditions, more people can know about these lesser-known conditions. Diseases like lupus can go unnoticed in people. Autoimmune disorders can be harder to identify and often go undiagnosed. When campaigns are led for more awareness, more money is donated to help fund research and more treatment options.