If I Have Mobility Issues, Is Zumba Right for Me?

Medically Reviewed by Poonam Sachdev on November 03, 2021
2 min read

While it may seem like the last thing you want to do when you have MS, exercise is actually a significant way to manage this condition. In particular, it has been found that aerobic exercise improves the following areas for people who have MS:

Zumba can be an excellent aerobic exercise for someone with MS. In addition to the more generalized benefits of dance, Zumba can also help people with MS by improving balance, motor capacity, and walking speed.

As a form of exercise, Zumba is also incredibly versatile. Many Zumba classes can be done at half speed or even in a seated position. You may even want to seek out Zumba classes explicitly made for older people. These classes tend to be more gentle and customizable.

However, you also may find that even seated Zumba is too taxing. It is recommended that you get in about 150 minutes of exercise per week. If Zumba pushes your mobility or energy limits too far, you can always find other ways to move your body and get enough exercise. In fact, it is recommended that you should only exercise to a moderate level of activity.

If you do decide to do Zumba, there are several precautions you take to keep yourself safe. These precautions can include:

  • Keeping hydrated with cold water. Not only does this fuel you, but the colder temperature of the water can help you maintain a low temperature. 
  • Be mindful of the temperatureTry to find either a cooler room or do Zumba at a cooler time of day.
  • Stretch. In order to receive the full benefits of physical activity, be sure to stretch after you exercise. 
  • Understand that it may be uncomfortable. Keep in mind that your exercise may not feel comfortable on your body. However, it also should not cause excessive pain. Try to find that balance for you and your body
  • Be gentle. Start slowly and gently. Do not push yourself too hard too fast. 
  • Be safe. Speak with your doctor about how to start your new exercise routine. Always make your own personal safety your number-one priority when you are getting physical exercise.