Oral Health Features
- How My Cleft Palate Prepared Me for Life on Wall Street
Many would consider being born with a cleft lip and palate a setback that could have negative implications throughout one’s whole life, but Dave Liu disagrees.
- Do You Really Need a Dental Checkup Every 6 Months?
When deciding how often you need to visit the dentist, you should consider your unique mouth, hygiene, habits, and overall well-being. Learn how to find the best schedule for your dental checkups.
- What Is Tooth Whitening?
In LED tooth whitening, LED lights are used along with a bleaching agent to whiten teeth. Learn more about the treatment and about the pros and cons.
- Myths and Facts About Cavities
The fear of cavities has been with us since we were kids. Still, we sometimes get confused about the facts and myths that surround these "holey" terrors.
- Lame Excuses for Not Flossing and How to Beat Them
We all have our excuses for not flossing our teeth. Here are some ways to get past them and save your teeth.
- Toothbrushing Mistakes You Make and How to Fix Them
We’ve been brushing our teeth since we could hold a toothbrush. Still, there are some common mistakes that we all make once in a while.
- What Happens if You Don't Treat Bleeding Gums?
Find out how bleeding gums can be linked to other health conditions, like heart disease and diabetes.
- To Floss or Not to Floss?
Have you heard that you don’t need to floss your teeth? You might not want to quit that habit just yet.
- Start Early for Healthy Gums and Teeth
Even before babies have teeth, their mouths need care to protect against damage and decay later in life. Here's some expert advice.
- The Link Between Sleep Apnea and Your Dentist
Your oral health can give clues about sleep apnea.
- Preserve Your Pearly Whites Through the Years
Ways to keep your mouth healthy as you age.
- Natural and Home Remedies for Bad Breath
If you're having a bout with bad breath, you can fight it off right from the comfort of your own home. Here's how.
- 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Teeth
You use your teeth to talk, chew, and smile. But here are some other "teeth facts" you probably didn’t know about your pearly whites.
- Foods and Habits That Stain Your Teeth
Want to keep your teeth white? Check this list of foods and beverages that stain teeth.
- Whiten Your Teeth at Home
If your smile has lost its luster but you can’t afford a professional treatment, you can do it yourself at home. Here’s how to find the method that’s right for you.
- Do You Dread the Dentist?
These in-office techniques and treatments can ease your anxiety.
- Can 'Dental Tourism' Help You Save Money?
How far would you travel to see the dentist? More and more Americans are going abroad for dental work.
- Snooze News: What Is Sleep Dentistry?
Doctors, sleep specialists, and dentists are increasingly working together to ease sleep apnea and snoring symptoms.
- Electric Toothbrushes: Are They Worth It?
Are electric toothbrushes really worth the extra money? What we found out may surprise you.
- Should You Try Oil Pulling?
We explore the ancient oral health technique called oil pulling to see if it's all it's effective as the rumors say. Learn more at WebMD.
- How to Get the Most Out of Your Dental Visit
A top dentist offers tips on having a productive dental visit -- and tells us how he keeps his own pearly whites in tip-top condition.
- How to Get a Celebrity Smile
A dentist to the stars reveals the secrets she shares with her clients.
- When Heat and Cold Hurt Your Teeth
Do hot and cold temps make your teeth ache? Here's how to banish the pain of sensitive teeth.
- What Your Dentist Wants You to Do
A top dentist opens up about what he wishes his patients would do.
- Everyday Habits That Damage Your Teeth
Sugar, wine, and, yes, opening bottles with your teeth can hurt your smile.
- 7 Secrets to a Healthier Smile
A top dentist shares his professional tips -- and personal habits -- for keeping teeth in tip-top shape.
- Choose the Best Teeth Whitener
Sink your teeth into the truth about whiteners. Find out the best bets for a dazzling smile.
- How to Create a Better Smile
Hate smiling for photos – or smiling at all? Your dentist can help.
- How to Pick the Right Fillings for Your Teeth
These are the materials that are used to fill cavities in teeth, plus how to choose the kind that's right for you.
- 5 Tips for a Nice Smile
Get tips on how to keep your teeth healthy and have the best possible smile.
- The Truth About Enamel Shaping
WebMD explains how enamel shaping works. It's a quick technique done in your dentist's office that can smooth out a small chip or a rough spot on your tooth.
- Whiten Teeth at Home or in the Dentist's Office?
The pros and cons of whitening your teeth with at-home kits or in the dentist's office.
- Gum Contouring: Is it Right for You?
A user’s guide to gum contouring, a dental procedure that removes gum tissue to show more of the teeth.
- What Makes Anna Kendrick Smile?
The "What to Expect" star tells us how she copes with being a movie star. Plus three things that bring her joy.
- When Should I Take My Child to the Dentist?
The best time to take your child to the dentist may be earlier than you think, our expert says.
- Can I Change the Shape of My Teeth?
Even adults can change the shape of their teeth, our dental expert says, and it doesn't necessarily involve orthodontia.
- Get the Most Out of Your Dental Visit
Your dentist can help with more than cavities. Use this checklist to get the most out of your dental appointment.
- What You Can Do About Bad Breath
Try these nine simple ways to get rid of bad breath.
- Change Your Breath From Bad to Good
Find out what causes bad breath, and how to prevent the embarrassment of halitosis.
- Oral Health: The Mouth-Body Connection
Find out why the health of your mouth just may help protect you from diseases of the body.
- The Health Perils of Gum Disease
Gum disease is linked to a host of other ills, including diabetes and heart attack, but most people can prevent gingivitis with daily brushing, flossing, and regular check-ups.
- The Importance of Early Dental Visits
Taking your children for oral checkups helps ensure a healthy mouth and healthy attitude toward dentists.
- Oral Health: Insights Into Your Overall Health
Your mouth is a mirror of your health: Experts say gum disease may cause inflammation and affect overall health.
- How Your Oral Health Affects Your Overall Wellness
Brushing, flossing, and regular visits to the dentist can protect you from far more than cavities, including stroke, heart disease, and osteoporosis.
- Can My Diet Help My Smile?
How to choose foods that help your teeth stay bright, white, and healthy.
- What Wears Down Your Teeth
With good care, teeth can last a lifetime. But chewing, brushing, and grinding can wear them down. Here's how to protect your teeth.
- Sensitive Subject: Sensitive Teeth
Here's what to do if your favorite foods also make your teeth hurt.
- Healthy Teeth for Life: 10 Tips for Families
Avoid toothaches, cavities, and gum disease with these tips to keep teeth healthy from childhood through old age.
- Dental Tips for Looking Younger
WebMD provides tips for looking younger by improving your dental health habits.