6 Ways to Prepare for Oral Surgery

Medically Reviewed by Robert Brennan, DDS on March 16, 2023
2 min read

Oral surgery can go a lot easier if you put in a little preparation. If you know what to expect ahead of time, you may be more at ease about what you need to have done.

Your process should start long before you walk in for your appointment.

1. Be informed. Schedule time with your dentist or oral surgeon to make sure you understand the reasons for your procedure. Find out the risks and benefits of what you’re having done. Bring questions to ask, too.

2. Make sure you have a ride. If you’re getting sedation, including nitrous oxide, you’ll need someone to drive you home. Anesthesia can impair your judgment, which makes it unsafe for you to operate a car. Ask a friend or family member to give you a ride. If being administered nitrous oxide, and nobody you know can drive you, you can take a cab, uber, or use public transportation. 

3. Fast. If you’re going to be sedated, don’t eat or drink anything, including water, after midnight of the evening before your surgery. This reduces your risk of aspiration, a rare but serious complication of anesthesia that fills the lungs with the contents of your stomach. If you need to take medication during your fast, you can have a small sip of water, if need be.

4. Bare your arms. Wear short sleeves if you’re going to have sedation for your procedure. It’ll help nurses take your vital signs, give you your IV, or put blood pressure cuffs on you so they can monitor you during the surgery. 

5. Bring a box. Have a container with you to store dentures, partial plates, or removable bridgework while the procedure is being performed.

6. Give yourself time. On the big day, arrive at least 20 minutes early. This will give you time to complete any last-minute paperwork. You’ll also have a chance to relax before your surgery happens.

Right before the work begins, a nurse will take your vital signs. If you have any lingering questions about your procedure, this is the time to ask them.