Ergonomic Tips for a Home Office
Set Yourself Up for Success
Make Leg Room a Priority
Protect Your Back
Support Your Feet
Keep Your Screen at Eye Level
Get the Right Angle With 2 Screens
Get the Lighting Just Right
Take Frequent Breaks
Rig Up a Standing Desk
Keep Your Keyboard in Reach
Cushion Your Wrists
Make Your Phone Hands-Free
Follow the 20-20-20 Rule
Get Support on Your Couch
When You Use Your Screen for Play
1) Yulkapopkova / Getty Images
2) hobo_018 / Getty Images
3) Zach Copley / Flickr
4) endopack / Getty Images
5) Yuri_Arcurs / Getty Images
6) laflor / Getty Images
7) Yagi-Studio / Getty Images
8) mediaphotos / Getty Images
9) Jacob Ammentorp Lund / Getty Images
10) PeopleImages / Getty Images
11) Zach Copley / Flickr
12) Sisoje / Getty Images
13) m-gucci / Getty Images
14) PeopleImages / Getty Images
15) Eva-Katalin / Getty Images
Mayo Clinic: "Office Ergonomics: Your How-To Guide."
UC San Diego: "Ergonomics Where You Work: Tips To Improve Your Home Office."
Ithaca College: "Home Office Ergonomic Tips."
Stanford University Environmental Health & Safety: "Telecommuting and Mobile Ergonomics," "Microbreaks," "Is Your Tablet/Smartphone a Pain In the Neck?"
Boston University: "10 Ergonomic Dos and Don'ts for Those Now Working from Home."
UC Berkeley, "Ergonomic Tips for Working at Home."
Yale Environmental Health & Safety: "How To Set Up Your Ergonomic Home Office: Six Essential Ergonomic Tips For Remote Workers."
Cornell University Ergonomics Web: "5 Tips for Using a Laptop Computer."
Harvard Health Publishing: "The Truth Behind Standing Desks."
Indiana University: "Ergonomic Tips for Laptop Users."
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety: "OSH Answers Fact Sheets: Personal or Individual Risk Factors."