Myths and Facts About Bedwetting

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Hansa Bhargava, MD
Fact. 15% of 5-year-olds actually have it! So you are not alone. And in fact it takes awhile for the child's bladder to mature.

Hansa Bhargava, MD
Absolutely not. That is a myth. So it is not your child's fault, and any kind of negative reinforcement or punishment or feeling even the frustration will project on your child, and it's not going to be good.

Hansa Bhargava, MD
Fact. A full bowel can actually impact the ability of the bladder to retain urine or have bladder control at night.

Hansa Bhargava, MD
That is a myth. You know, I think everyone would love a magic bullet, but there really isn't one. Medications can fix the issue for a short period of time, but the majority of kids actually relapse as soon as they are taken off the medications. What you want to do is either wait for the child to outgrow it, or if your child's older, consider motivational therapies, where the child takes ownership of this issue along with you. So know that your child will outgrow this, help your child, and help the child help themselves.