Natural Flea Remedies for Your Home
Facts About Fleas
Bugs in Hiding
Why Go Natural?
Natural Remedy: Diatomaceous Earth
Natural Remedy: Sulfur
Natural Remedy: Citrus
Unproven: Herbal Sprays
Unproven: Cedar Chips, Wax Myrtle Leaves
Natural Remedy: Light Traps
Natural Remedy: Boric Acid
Unsafe: Pennyroyal Oil
Natural Remedy: Elbow Grease
Vacuum and Steam Clean
Wash and Dry Hot
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American Veterinary Medical Association: “Safe Use of Flea and Tick Preventive Products,” “External Parasites,” “Bed Bugs and Pets FAQ.”
CDC: “Healthy Housing Reference Manual.”
University of Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County: “Integrated Flea Control.”
Oregon Veterinary Medical Association: “Fleas: Treatment & Prevention.”
University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine: “Fight Fleas At All Their Life Stages.”
National Pesticide Information Center: “Methoprene,” “Diatomaceous Earth,” “Fleas,” “Sulfur: General Fact Sheet.”
Natural Resources Defense Council: “Nontoxic Ways to Protect Your Pet.”
Cummings Veterinary Center at Tufts University: “Fleas and Your Pet in the Hospital.”
University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences: “Getting Rid of Fleas,” “Fleas: What They Are, What To Do.”
Cornell University: “Fleas.”