How Pets Can Improve Your Health
Stay Well With Your Animals
Mood Boost
Better Blood Pressure
Lower Cholesterol
Help Your Heart
Ease Depression
Boost Your Fitness
A Faithful Exercise Buddy
Fewer Strokes Among Cat Owners
More Connections
Fewer Allergies, Stronger Immunity
Cats and Asthma Prevention
Snack Alarm
Work With a Counselor
Partners in Better Cancer Care
Overcoming the Limitations of ADHD
Autism: Addressing the Senses
Stronger Bones
Stretch Like Your Cat
Manage Arthritis Together
Get Back in the Saddle
Relief From RA
Soothing Heat for Chronic Pain
Seizure Dogs
More Independence
A Better Quality of Life
A Calming Presence
Animal-Assisted Therapies
(1) Frank Gaglione / Riser
(2) Jennifer Causey / Flickr
(3) Eyecandy Images
(4) Justin Bailie / Aurora
(5) Yamada Taro / Riser
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(18) Steve Smith / Photographer’s Choice
(19) Didier Robcis / Taxi
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(23) Brian Summers / First Light
(24) Picture taken by Bart Rötgens for vzw Hachiko
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(26) Anne Rippy / Photographer's Choice
(27) Thomas Northcut / Digital Vision
(28) Getty Images
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American Cancer Society: "Man’s Best Friend."
American Diabetes Association, Diabetes Forecast: "Could a Dog Save Your Life?"
Arthritis Foundation: "Rheumatoid Arthritis," "From Dino to Fido," "Learn to Stretch by Watching Your Pet."
Bassey, E. Age and Aging, 2001.
CDC: "Health Benefits of Pets," "Physical Activity and Health."
Epilepsy Foundation: "Seizure Dogs."
Interactive Autism Network: "Dogs, Horses, and ASD: What Are Animal-Assisted Therapies?"
Johnson, R. Oncology Nursing Forum, March 2008.
LaFrance, C. Journal of Communication Disorder, May/June 2007.
Little Bits Therapeutic Riding Association: "Benefits of Therapeutic Riding."
MentalHelp.Net: "A Doggone Good Therapist."
Merck Veterinary Manual: "Health Benefits of Pets for People."
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: "Cat Exposure Increases Asthma Risk for Children of Asthmatic Mothers."
National Stroke Association: "The Healing Power of Animals."
NIH News in Health: "Can Pets Help Keep You Healthy?"
Paws for Comfort.
Pet Partners. "Assistance and Service Dogs," "Physical and Medical Health Benefits of Pets."
Princeton University, Research at Princeton: "Cancer collaboration could someday help dogs and their humans."
Psychology Today: "Pets & Kids With ADD."
Qureshi, A. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology, January 2009.
University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine: "Hand & Paw."
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health: "Infants Exposed to Dogs Less Likely to Develop Allergic Diseases."