How It Feels When Your Baby Moves Around

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Wondering when you'll feel your baby moving inside you, and what she's up to in there? Here are of the most-asked questions and answers.

Question -- How soon will I feel my baby fluttering around? If you're a first-time mom-to-be, you might not feel your little one move 'til weeks 18-25.

Maybe as soon as 13-16 weeks into your pregnancy -- if you've had kids before. At first it might feel like you're having gas, but once you notice a pattern to the flutters, that'll tell you it's your little one on the move.

What kind of acrobatics is my baby up to?

Early on she's stretching or flexing her little limbs. Later in the pregnancy you may feel her kick, punch, or roll! That helps her muscles get stronger.

What things make her move around?

She might react to noises she hears you make, or she may squirm when you're in a position that's uncomfy for her. Other times, she might simply be waking up.

Should I count my baby's kicks?

If your doctor asks you to. Otherwise, you don't have to track it. Dwelling on the kick count could make you anxious. If you think your little one might be moving around less than usual, check in with your doctor to ease your worries.