Today's Vasectomy Reversals

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How successful are today's vasectomy reversals?

Sheldon Marks, MD
With advances in technique, the microsutures, the instruments that we use, the magnification and scopes, pre and post-operative care, we can achieve fertility in 90 to 95 percent of the men after they've had a vasectomy, and as far out as 42 years from vasectomy.

Does it matter how old or archaic your vasectomy was?

Sheldon Marks, MD
Not at all. It's not the technique of the vasectomy that's important. It's not even the number of years since your vasectomy. It really is dependent on two factors. One is the skill and expertise of the microsurgeon, does he or she know what they are doing and can do it well, as well as female factors. If you fall in love with a 25-year-old who's demonstrated prior fertility, things are probably going to be great. You don't need that much. On the other hand, if you fall in love with a 54-year-old woman who is going through menopause then you're going to have a real hard time with conception no matter how good the surgeon is. So it's female factor, and skill and expertise of the microsurgeon are the major factors in determining the success of the reversal.