Butt Plugs: What You Should Know

Medically Reviewed by Jabeen Begum, MD on May 15, 2024
9 min read

A butt plug is a sex toy that goes in the anus. Butt plugs come in many shapes, sizes, and textures. They usually look like a cone – starting narrow and getting wider before narrowing again – but can also be long and ribbed. Some butt plugs vibrate or have a remote control function. They should also have a wide base to prevent the toy from going in too far. 

Unlike many other sexual toys, such as dildos, a butt plug is meant to remain in place during sexual play.

Some people use butt plugs to prepare for anal sex. The tip of the plug stimulates nerve receptors in the anus, prostate, and vagina, which can also relax the anal muscles. 

It’s a common myth that only gay men like anal play. Sexual preferences vary from person to person, regardless of their sexual orientation, and any gender can enjoy using a butt plug.




The safest materials for butt plugs are silicone, Pyrex glass, and stainless steel. These are nonporous, so they can be properly sanitized and disinfected between uses. 

Sex toys made from porous materials – like rubber, vinyl, nylon and leather – may not be body-safe. The sex toy industry is not regulated, even though these items go inside your body. Toys made from plastic or acrylic may also leach harmful chemicals into your anus. 

The history of butt plugs

Butt plugs were historically used to treat hemorrhoids and constipation, though they were more commonly called rectal dilators. In the U.S., a doctor named Frank E. Young patented the first rectal dilators – made from rubber – in 1892. They didn’t become popular until the early 20th century. 

The anus has a lot of nerve endings, and it is near both the male and female G-spots. It is common to stimulate the anus for sexual pleasure.

People with prostates enjoy butt plugs because they stimulate the gland, potentially leading to a prostate orgasm. Even if such an orgasm doesn't happen, most still report that it feels good. There are butt plugs that are specially shaped to reach the prostate.

Women and people assigned female at birth also enjoy butt plugs. Wearing one during penetrative vaginal sex can simulate double penetration – getting penetrated in the anus and vagina at the same time.

People who enjoy anal sex use butt plugs to warm up the anus before sex. This can help relax the muscles in your rectum, making penetration more comfortable. The walls of the rectum are thin, which means they tear more easily. Without proper preparation – like foreplay and lube – anal sex can be painful, causing tears that allow bacteria or viruses to more easily enter your bloodstream. There are a variety of butt plug training kits on the market that come with plugs ranging from small to larger sizes. These can gradually stretch the muscles and make them more responsive to anal play.

Butt plugs can also be part of dominance and submission games.

Staying in and staying out

When trying a butt plug, always use sex toys that are specifically designed for anal play. These toys have a flared base to prevent them from being taken in by the anus and traveling up into the colon. A large ring or pull cord is also acceptable for safety. 

If you do lose a butt plug inside of your anus, you’ll need to go to the emergency room to have it removed. This isn’t uncommon, so try not to feel embarrassed. According to a 2023 analysis published in The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, between 2012 and 2021, nearly 39,000 Americans visited the ER to have a foreign object removed from their rectum.


Unlike the vagina, the anus doesn’t create its own lubricant. Using lubrication helps prevent soreness and tears in the delicate tissues that line both the rectum and the anus. It also usually makes anal play feel more pleasurable. 

You can use a water- or silicone-based lube with a butt plug, but which one is best depends on the type of toy. For silicone toys, use a water-based lube, since silicone and oil-based lubes can make these types of toys degrade faster. Silicone lube is compatible with hard material toys, like glass and metal. 

Use the bathroom first 

It’s a good idea to try to empty your bowels up to half an hour before anal play. A butt plug stimulates the pudendal nerve, which controls the muscles that help you poop. While this can feel good, it might also make you feel like you have to use the bathroom. Accidents happen – and they’re nothing to be embarrassed about – but emptying your bowels ahead of time might help you feel more at ease. 

Some people also like to douche before anal play by using a small device to squirt water into the rectum to clean it out, but this can thin the protective mucus inside of your anus, which raises your chances of getting an infection. Taking a warm bath or shower beforehand is a safer way to feel clean beforehand.

Who shouldn’t use a butt plug?

If you have hemorrhoids, anal fissures, or a prostate condition, you should talk to your doctor before using a butt plug, since anal sex toys might make these conditions worse. 

Keep it consensual 

Just as with any sexual activity, using a butt plug requires consent and communication. You might feel some discomfort the first time you try anal play, but if it hurts a lot or something doesn’t feel right, you should slow down or stop. If you’re using a butt plug with a partner, let the other person know when things feel good, and when they don’t. 

If you’re not interested in trying a butt plug, or if you’ve tried one and didn’t like it, you shouldn’t be pressured into using one. Just because someone has consented to using a butt plug, it doesn’t mean they’re also consenting to anal sex. Ongoing consent and communication are important when it comes to ensuring that everyone feels safe and empowered during every step of sexual activities. 

Wash your hands

Even if your anus is clean, it can still harbor bacteria that can cause infections in the vagina. After you touch the anus, make sure to wash your hands before touching genitals. Wash with warm water and soap to prevent UTIs and yeast infections.

Anal play is more enjoyable when you are relaxed. If you are tense, you’re more likely to tear the tissue around your anus. It’s a good idea to start slow and pay attention to how you are feeling. 

If you’re new to anal play, you can start with something smaller than the butt plug. A finger is usually a great tool for warming up. Put lube on your finger and gently stroke or circle the opening of the anus before inserting the tip of your finger. Once you feel the internal sphincter — the muscle that’s directly inside the anus – relax, you can push your finger in further. If you don't want to spread bacteria from the anus to other parts of the body, or you want to keep your hands clean, wear a disposable latex or nitrile glove. When you’re relaxed enough to fit a finger or two inside, you’re ready to insert the butt plug. If a small butt plug feels comfortable, you can try a larger one. 

Experiment with different positions for butt plug insertion to find out which one is best for you. Each person is different and will find some positions more comfortable based on their specific anatomy. If you’re new to butt plugs, it’s best to start by wearing one for a few minutes at a time. You can gradually increase how long you wear a butt plug. Some manufacturers suggest only using it for 30 minutes at a time, while others note it can be used for 2-3 hours. Your anus is sensitive, and wearing a plug for extended periods can cause discomfort, tissue damage, or ulcers.

Some people use numbing creams to avoid discomfort during anal play. But this will prevent you from feeling when your body wants you to stop. For your safety, avoid using numbing cream during butt plug use.

You can hand-wash butt plugs made from nonporous materials with antibacterial soap and warm water. Stainless steel and silicone toys can also be boiled in hot water for up to 10 minutes. If your butt plug has a vibrating function, avoid dunking it in water. You can use a cloth to clean it instead. 

You can also wash porous toys with soap and warm water, but they’re much harder to clean, since they hold onto bacteria. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how best to clean your toy.

When you’re ready to remove your butt plug, relax and gently pull it out. If it feels stuck, don’t panic – this will cause your muscles to tense up, making it even more difficult to remove. Instead, apply some lubricant around the plug and gently push as if you were having a bowel movement. Try not to push too hard, though, or you could be more likely to get hemorrhoids. 

Because anal tissue is thin, it bleeds more easily than other parts of your body. If you notice a small amount of blood when you remove your butt plug, or when you wipe, don’t worry. Most small, internal tears will heal on their own. If you feel any discomfort, a warm bath can help speed up the healing process.

If your butt plug gets lost or stuck inside of your anus, you should visit a doctor to have it removed. 

Some people are allergic to materials used to make certain butt plugs or lubricants. If you feel any burning, itching, or stinging after using a sex toy, or if you notice a rash, let your doctor know.

While seeing a little bit of blood after using a butt plug is normal, if there’s constant bleeding, or if you have pain and bleeding at the same time, there could be a problem and you should call your doctor. 

Emergency room visits for anal-related injuries are common, so don’t feel embarrassed if you need treatment.

Butt plugs can be a safe and fun way to explore anal pleasure. To prevent injuries, you should always use a toy specifically designed for anal play. Proper lubrication and good hygiene are both important in preventing discomfort and reducing your risk of infection. When using a butt plug – both solo and with a partner – make sure to listen to your body and prioritize what feels good. 

Are butt plugs safe? Butt plugs that have a large base and are made from nontoxic materials – including medical-grade silicone, steel, or glass – are perfectly safe to use.

What is a butt plug for? People of all genders and sexualities can enjoy using a butt plug.

Will a butt plug help prep me for anal sex? Butt plugs can help the muscles in your rectum relax. Anal sex is most enjoyable when you’re relaxed, so a butt plug can be a good way to warm up before penetration.

What is a butt plug, an adult sex toy, used for? Butt plugs are used for sexual exploration and pleasure. Since they stimulate the male and female G-spots, they can make penetrative sex or masturbation more enjoyable for some people.