Life After a Stroke: What to Expect From Recovery
Range of Recovery
Common Issues
PT and OT
Speech Therapy
Talk Therapy
Preventing Another Stroke
What to Check
Food Shifts
Carotid Artery Surgery
Balloon and Stent
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2) Toa55 / Getty Images
3) Phanie / Science Source
4) COLIN CUTHBERT / Science Source
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6) Pam Walker / Getty Images
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10) Tijana87 / Thinkstock
11) Wavebreakmedia / Getty Images
12) Hybrid Medical Animation / Science Source
American Heart Association: “Stroke Symptoms: FAST.”
CDC: “About Stroke,” “Stroke Signs and Symptoms.”
National Institute on Aging: “Rehabilitation After Stroke.”
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: “Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Fact Sheet.”
American Stroke Association: “Why Getting Quick Stroke Treatment Is Important,” Ischemic Stroke (Clots),” “Stopping the Bleeding in a Hemorrhagic Stroke.”
NYU Langone Health: “Surgery for Carotid Artery Disease.”
News release, American Stroke Association.