1 of 7 / Overview
View AllFinding the Ideal Cholesterol Ratio
To help avoid heart disease and stroke, you need to maintain the proper ratio between good and total cholesterol.
Understanding Cholesterol Problems: Symptoms
A high cholesterol level doesn't have obvious symptoms, but it can increase your risk for conditions that do have symptoms.
Cholesterol and Artery Plaque Buildup
Cholesterol plaques begin in artery walls and grow for years, slowly blocking blood flow in the arteries.
Frequently Asked Questions About Cholesterol
Here's a list of questions and answers you may have about cholesterol, how to manage it, and how to treat it.
2 of 7 / Causes & Risks
View AllHigh Cholesterol Risk Factors
Many things contribute to high cholesterol, some of which you can control and others you can't.
Can You Prevent High Cholesterol?
Here are some steps you can take right now to keep your cholesterol numbers in a healthy range.
Things That Can Impact Your Cholesterol Levels
Avoiding things that raise your LDL or lower your HDL cholesterol can help keep your levels in a healthy range.
Healthy Foods That Are High in Cholesterol
If you’re watching your cholesterol, you’re probably wary of foods known to be high in it.
3 of 7 / Tests & Diagnosis
View AllDiagnosing High Cholesterol
To assess your cholesterol level, your doctor will usually ask for a simple blood test called a lipoprotein profile.
Should You Get Tested for High Cholesterol?
How often do you need a cholesterol test? That depends on whom you ask. Guidelines can be inconsistent.
What Is a Cholesterol Test?
A complete cholesterol test checks your blood to see if your cholesterol and triglycerides are at a healthy level.
Cholesterol Testing and the Lipid Panel
The different kinds of cholesterol and other fats in your blood are together called lipids.
4 of 7 / Treatment
View AllCholesterol Treatment: Medication and Lifestyle Changes
You can treat high cholesterol with healthy lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, and weight loss and, sometimes, meds too.
Does High Cholesterol Always Need Medication?
If you’re diagnosed with high cholesterol, will you need to start taking a statin or other medication? Not always.
Which Medicines Lower 'Bad' (LDL) Cholesterol?
Several types of prescription drugs can lower LDL. Get to know what each of them does.
12 Common Side Effects of Cholesterol Drugs
If you’re taking medicine to lower your cholesterol, there may be times when it makes you feel less than your best.
5 of 7 / Living With
View AllDo Your Part to Lower Your Cholesterol
Even if your doctor prescribes meds for you, you still need to adjust your everyday life to control your cholesterol.
Keeping a Cholesterol Diary
Your doctor may suggest you track your progress toward healthy cholesterol levels with the use of a cholesterol diary.
Dietary Cholesterol: What You Need to Know
There isn’t good evidence to show that dietary cholesterol alone can raise your odds of heart disease.
Eating Meat When You Have High Cholesterol
If you have high cholesterol, you should talk with your doctor about what you eat, including meat.
6 of 7 / Complications
View AllDiseases Linked to High Cholesterol
If you have high cholesterol, you have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.
High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure
The link between high blood pressure and high cholesterol goes in both directions.
High Cholesterol and Thyroid Disease
If you have thyroid disease, you’re more prone to have high cholesterol levels.
High Cholesterol and Kidney Disease
When your kidneys aren’t working well, it also changes the way your body handles cholesterol and other lipids.
7 of 7 / Appointment Prep
View AllSuggested Reads about Cholesterol Management
Foods to Avoid If You Have High Triglycerides
If you have high triglycerides, what you eat matters. Find out from this WebMD slideshow what foods you should avoid.
Foods To Help Lower LDL (‘Bad’) Cholesterol
When you're working on lowering your LDL ("bad") cholesterol, what you eat matters. WebMD shows you foods that can help.
Your Cholesterol: Myths and Facts
Don’t let myths and misconceptions about high cholesterol keep you from keeping it under control. These facts will help get your numbers in line.
Foods That Are Surprisingly Bad for Cholesterol
Are you trying to lower your cholesterol level? This WebMD slideshow tells you which foods may raise your cholesterol - and their healthier substitutes.
Top Search Terms for Cholesterol & Triglycerides
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