Foods High in Vitamin D
Why You Need Vitamin D
How Much Do You Need?
Orange Juice
Rainbow Trout
Portabella Mushrooms
Nondairy Milks
Risk Factors for Low Vitamin D
Are You Low on Vitamin D?
1) Vladimir Vladimirovn / Getty Images
2) shapecharge / Getty Images
3) Eva-Katalin / Getty Images
4) Chiyacat / Getty Images
5) Bartosz Luczak / Getty Images
6) IslandLeigh / Getty Images
7) 97 / Getty Images
8) Luis Echeverri Urrea / Getty Images
9) DonNichols / Getty Images
10) visualspace / Getty Images
11) Rawpixel / Getty Images
12) SDI Productions / Getty Images
Harvard School of Public Health: "Vitamin D."
National Cancer Institute: "Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention."
National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements: "Vitamin D."
New England Journal of Medicine: "How Much Sunlight Is Equivalent to Vitamin D Supplementation?"
UpToDate: "Patient education: Vitamin D deficiency (Beyond the Basics)."
U.S. Department of Agriculture: "Vitamin D in Mushrooms."
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: "Dietary Guidelines: 2015-2020."