Do Bacteria in Your Gut Crave Unhealthy Foods?

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You know that craving you have when you see a big piece of chocolate cake? It could be mind control. By BACTERIA.

We like to think of ourselves as the masters of our own actions. But researchers have found that bacteria that live naturally in our bodies can influence what we choose to eat.

Some of them like fat, others want sugar. So they send out signals to our brain to get what they want.

Now, that doesn't mean you should just throw in the towel and do what your bacteria overlords say. You can manipulate them, too.

If you eat more healthy food, like spinach, you may help bacteria that crave spinach. So it will send out even more signals to eat more spinach. And those sugar-loving bacteria may start to dwindle, sending out less cravings. This may be one reason why your healthy friend actually craves a salad, rather than a cheeseburger.

So don't let the bad bacteria take over your mind -- fight back with a healthy diet! For WebMD, I'm Dr. Michael Smith.