Recipe Renovation: Toaster Pastry

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Tear open the package and pop it in the toaster. A few minutes later out comes a sugary toasted pastry stuffed with, uh, "fruit"??

Not exactly. Your average pastry is packed with sugar, preservatives…and more sugar.

If you want a healthier choice that is easy to make, try baking some homemade muffins on a Sunday so they're ready to grab and go all week.

Start with whole wheat flour or rolled oats. Then use natural sweeteners like applesauce, mashed bananas or honey to sweeten it up. And for some extra nutrition toss in some raw veggies like shredded carrots, spinach or zucchini. Feeling brave? Add some cooked black beans.

You'll get plenty of fiber, healthier carbs, and even some protein in this power-packed breakfast!

Still love the glaze on top? Make a simple one with lemons, sugar and water…But as always, the less sweet stuff, the better, even if it's natural.

These bite-size snacks will help power your kids' brains, keep their stomachs full, and avoid all that extra sugar.