How Treatment Affects Your Everyday Life

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Lorie Miller, BSN, RN, CMI: It is a life-changing event, getting a new diagnosis of multiple myeloma. You can expect a lot of change. I always tell people that the first few months are the hardest. I mean, I do hear from people, I wish things could just go back to the way they were before. Accepting that your roles are going to change, accepting that the way that you're going to feel on a day-to-day basis will change and will continue to change is hard. And some people do struggle with that.

I know so many people that pretty quickly are able to get into a routine with their treatments and are pretty quickly able to get to a place where they're really feeling positive about treatment and hopeful about treatment. Treatments become more regular. They know how they're going to feel with treatment. They know how they're going to feel a day or two after treatment. They kind of know what side effects to look out for, when to call the doctor. And so they know much more what to expect.

A lot of people surprise themselves at what they are able to do. And especially if they're able to incorporate new, healthy habits into their routine. People will tell us, you know, my relationships are better because I'm sharing more of my emotions. And people will tell us, I'm exercising now and I used to never exercise. Making life goals and wanting to take on that adventure that you've been thinking about for years. Those kinds of things -- that's another way that people's outlook will change. It's more of live in the moment and to try to grab life by the horns.