Treating Your Child’s Cold or Fever
How can you soothe and treat your child's cold?
What should I do if my child has a fever?
What else can I do to bring down my child’s temperature?
When do I need to call my pediatrician?
Will chicken soup really help my child's cold?
What eases a sore throat and cough?
How old does my child need to be to take cough or cold medicine?
When my child has a cold and a cough, should I give one medicine or two?
If you give two medicines, don't double up on a drug.
Decongestant, expectorant -- what do I give when?
How do I figure out the right dose?
Should I wake my child up for a dose?
Does it really make a difference if I use a kitchen spoon for medicine?
If my child vomits, should I give another dose?
I don't have any children's medicine. Can I give half an adult dose?
Don't call OTC medicine "candy."
- Leanne Temme / Photolibrary
- Randy Faris / Flirt Collection / Photolibrary
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- Till Jacket / Photononstop / Photolibrary
- Tony Morsch / age fotostock / Photolibrary
- Heidi Kristensen
- ©Jamie Grill / Corbis
- Brayden Knell / WebMD
- Nicholas Eveleigh / Iconica / Getty Images
- André Pöhlmann / Mauritius / Photolibrary
- Brayden Knell / WebMD
- Heidi Velten / Mauritius / Photolibrary
- altrendo images / Getty Images
- Brayden Knell / WebMD
- Brayden Knell / WebMD
- Brayden Knell / WebMD
Steven J. Parker, MD; associate professor of pediatrics, Boston University School of Medicine; WebMD pediatric consultant; co-author, Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care (1998 edition). Nemours Foundation/ Medications: Using Them Safely." American Society of Health-System Pharmacists/ "Medications and You." U.S. Food and Drug Administration: "Public Health Advisory: Nonprescription Cough and Cold Medicine Use in Children," "How to Give Medicine to Children," "Preventing Iron Poisoning in Children." Safe Kids USA: "Poison Safety." Children's Hospital of Philadelphia: "Children Act Fast…So Do Poisons." WebMD Medical Reference: "Kids' Cold Medicines: New Guidelines," "Soothing Your Child's Cold," "Natural Cold & Flu Remedies Slideshow," "Children and Colds," "Strep Throat." Palos Community Hospital, Palos, Ill.: "Medication Safety."