Slideshow: 11 Common Causes of Skin Rashes
Sunscreen and Skin Irritation
Antibacterial Soap Safety
Eczema Issues With Lotion
Baby Wipes or Washcloths?
Laundry Detergent and Rashes
Shampoo and Conditioner Sensitivity
Fabric Softener Alternatives
Household Cleaners and Health
Preservatives in Soap
Bug Spray Plus Sunscreen
Pesticides Tracked Indoors
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American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.
American Academy of Dermatology.
American Academy of Family Physicians.
American Academy of Pediatrics.
CBS News.
Cooper, S. Journal of Exposure, Analysis, and Environmental Epidemiology, January/March 1995.
DiNardo, A. Contact Dermatitis, August 1996.
Environmental Working Group.
Environmental Working Group's Cosmetic Safety Database.
Eskenazi, B. Environmental Health Perspectives, June 1999.
Gardner, K. Archives of Dermatology, June 21, 2010.
Healthy Child, Healthy World web site.
HowStuffWorks web site.
KeepKidsHealthy web site.
Lewis, R. Environmental Health Perspectives, September 1999.
MSNBC web site.
National Geographic Green Guide.
The Nemours Foundation.
The Washington Post.
U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Health and Safety Administration.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.