Embarrassing Questions: Why Do I Keep Having Diarrhea?

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Spending a lot of time on the toilet lately, huh? You may even be sitting there right now. No need to be embarrassed. We all have bouts of diarrhea sometimes. But when it becomes like a regular thing, when you've got permanent potty marks down there, it's time to start asking why. First things first, it could be something you're eating. Food is a common offender.

Use the process of elimination-- pardon the pun. Remove a food, like dairy or gluten, from your diet for a week, and see what happens. Now, you don't have to Sherlock Holmes this thing alone. Call your doctor. The answer is not always so simple, and they can help you find a solid solution.

It could be any number of other things, too. A condition, like IBS, an overactive thyroid, or maybe something related to your lifestyle. Now, if you have a fever, see blood in your stool, or are experiencing other symptoms, give them a call right away. I hope you feel better soon. In the meantime, treat yourself to some premium toilet paper.