3 Amazing Facts About Your Stomach

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[SPEAKER] Whether you're full, hungry, or freaking out, your stomach talks to you all day long. But there may be plenty you don't know about this amazing organ.

Your stomach produces roughly six cups of gastric acid every day to break down food. How powerful is that? If you were to put a drop on a piece of wood, it would eat right through it.

Your stomach starts the digestion process before you eat. Even anticipating food makes your stomach juices start flowing and its muscles relax, in preparation for the coming feast.

Why is there a nervous feeling in your stomach when you're scared or stressed? Because the fight or flight response system reduces the blood flow to the belly so it can pump more to the lungs and muscles, making it easier for you to run if you have to. It might have a mind of its own, but sometimes it's smart to listen to your gut.