Foods Most Likely to Give You Food Poisoning
Raw Milk
Bagged Lettuce
Pre-cut Melon
Raw Milk Cheeses
Ground Beef
Hot Dogs
Invisible Threat
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CDC: “List of Selected Multistate Foodborne Outbreak Investigations,” ‘Foods That Can Cause Food Poisoning,” “Vibrio Species Causing Vibriosis,” “Norovirus,” “Say No to Raw Dough,” “Salmonella and Eggs,” “Raw Milk Questions and Answers,” “Raw (Unpasteurized) Milk,” “Raw Milk: Know the Facts,” “Listeria (Listeriosis),” “Chicken and Food Poisoning.”
Colorado Integrated Food Safety Center of Excellence: “Sprouts.”
National Health Service (U.K.): “Sprouted Seed Safety Advice.”
National Ocean Service: “What is a bivalve mollusk?”
New York State Department of Health: “Vibriosis Fact Sheet.”
FDA: “What you Need to Know About Egg Safety,” “The Dangers of Raw Milk: Unpasteurized Milk Can Pose a Serious Health Risk,” “Fact or Fiction from Food Safety for Moms to Be.”
Mitzi Baum, CEO, Stop Foodborne Illness, Chicago.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology: “Salad Leaf Juices Enhance Salmonella Growth, Colonization of Fresh Produce, and Virulence.”
UC Berkeley School of Public Health: “How Safe is Your Bagged Salad?”
University of Florida Health: “E coli enteritis.”
National Institutes of Health: “Epidemiology of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Outbreaks, United States, 1982-2002.”
Mayo Clinic: “E. coli.” “Salmonella and Food.”
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States: “Microbiological hazards and melons.”
University of Wisconsin-Madison Food Safety & Health: “Safety of Cantaloupe.”
National Hot Dog & Sausage Council: “Hot Dog Fast Facts.”
United Egg Association: “International Egg Pasteurization Manual.”