Unexpected Heart Attack Triggers
Lack of Sleep
Migraine Headaches
Cold Weather
Air Pollution and Car Exhaust
A Big, Heavy Meal
Strong Emotions, Negative or Positive
Sudden or Intense Exertion
A Cold or the Flu
Getting Out of Bed in the Morning
Spectator Sports
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European Heart Journal: “Sleep duration predicts cardiovascular outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies.”
National Sleep Foundation: “How Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Heart.”
Neurology: “Migraine and cardiovascular disease.”
Neurology: “Migraine frequency and risk of cardiovascular disease in women.”
Cooper Heart Institute: “Cold Weather and Cardiovascular Disease: Know the Risks.”
Harvard Health Publications: “Health Effects of Air Pollution: Triggering Heart attacks and spur heart disease.”
The Lancet: “Public health importance of triggers of myocardial infarction: a comparative risk assessment.”
Medscape Medical News: “Heavy Meals Linked to Heart Attacks.”
Berkeley Wellness: “Can One Big Meal Kill You?”
Cleveland Clinic: “4 Surprising Heart Attack Triggers.”
CardioSmart (American College of Cardiology): “Positive Emotions Can Trigger Mysterious Heart Condition.”
Circulation: “Physical Activity and Anger or Emotional Upset as Triggers of Acute Myocardial Infarction.”
Texas Heart Institute: “Research Shows Flu Can Trigger Heart Attacks.”
American Heart Association: “Active asthma may significantly raise risk of heart attack.”
Harvard Health Publications: “Surprising heart attack and stroke triggers—from waking up to volcanoes.”
Harvard Health Publications: “What triggers heart attacks?”
Harvard Health Publications: “Reduce your stress to protect your heart.”
JAMA: “Association of Episodic Physical and Sexual Activity With Triggering of Acute Cardiac Events.”
Circulation: “Sexual Activity and Cardiovascular Disease.”
The New England Journal of Medicine: “Cardiovascular Events during World Cup Soccer.”
Clinical Cardiology: “Role of Age, Sex, and Race on Cardiac and Total Mortality Associated With Super Bowl Wins and Losses.”
American Heart Association: “Alcohol and heart health.”
Circulation: “Alcohol and Immediate Risk of Cardiovascular Events.”