Hypertension Medical Reference
What to Know About Herbal Supplements and Blood Pressure
- What Is Presyncope?
Presyncope is feeling like you are going to pass out. Learn what causes it, how it's treated, and more.
- Difference Between Vasoconstricting and Vasodilating Medications
Learn the differences between vasoconstricting and vasodilating medications, including what they do and when you should take them.
- Autonomic Dysreflexia
This dangerous complication strikes many people who have spinal injuries.
- What Is Cor Pulmonale?
Learn what cor pulmonale is how to avoid it, its causes, treatments, and the testing you might need to determine whether or not you have this body response.
- What Is Labile Hypertension?
Labile hypertension is when blood pressure fluctuates a lot. Learn about its causes, symptoms, and treatment options today.
- How to Pick a Home Blood Pressure Monitor
There are many home blood pressure monitors on the market. Find out where to buy a home blood pressure monitor, which type is most accurate, and more.
- What Is Isolated Systolic Hypertension?
A high top number on your blood pressure can be a sign of trouble.
- What Is a Renin Test?
Is your blood pressure still high, despite medication and a healthy lifestyle? Find out what a renin test can tell you.
- Effects of High Blood Pressure on Your Body
It starts with your arteries, but things like your brain, kidneys, eyes, and even your sex life could be harmed, too. Find out what can happen and why.
- How Do I Know if I Need High Blood Pressure Drugs?
Find out how you and your doctor will figure out if lifestyle changes or medication is the best way to treat your high blood pressure.
- How to Lower Blood Pressure Quickly and Safely
High blood pressure is nothing to ignore, and there are things you can do every day to help lower it. Learn more at WebMD.
- Sodium Blood Test
Maintaining proper sodium levels in your blood is critical to health. Learn about the symptoms of low sodium, sodium blood tests, and normal sodium levels.
- Be Proactive Against High Blood Pressure
Keeping your blood pressure in a good place is an important way to stay healthy. Learn lifestyle tips to keep your numbers under control.
- Side Effects of High Blood Pressure Medications
WebMD describes the different types of hypertension medications and their possible side effects.
- Renal Artery Stenosis
WebMD explains the causes, symptoms, and treatments of renal artery stenosis.
- High Blood Pressure Diet
Learn the link between high blood pressure and diet, including ways to lower or prevent high blood pressure.
- Prehypertension: Are You at Risk?
WebMD explains the latest blood pressure guidelines, including information on prehypertension, an increasingly common condition that increases the chance of high blood pressure.
- Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements for Heart Disease
WebMD explains the health benefits of omega-3 fish oil, along with side effects.
- Combination Treatment for Hypertension
WebMD explains combination treatment for hypertension, often used if high blood pressure is out of control.
- Diastole vs. Systole: Know Your Blood Pressure Numbers
WebMD explains what diastolic and systolic blood pressure numbers mean and why it’s important to keep track of them.
- High Blood Pressure
The risk of high blood pressure begins to climb when people turn age 45. WebMD explains how to prevent and treat hypertension.
- High Blood Pressure and Drug Safety
Some common medicines can raise blood pressure. Which should you avoid when you have high blood pressure?
- High Blood Pressure Drugs and How They Work
Antihypertensive medicines can help bring blood pressure back down to a normal range. Find out their names and how they work.
- Taking High Blood Pressure Drugs Properly
If you have high blood pressure, taking your medication the right way is key to your success. WebMD gives tips on properly taking your hypertension drugs.
- High Blood Pressure in Black People
African Americans are especially vulnerable to high blood pressure. Learn more from WebMD about lowering your risk factors for this condition.
- 5 Misconceptions About High Blood Pressure
There are many misconceptions about high blood pressure and its treatment. WebMD explains five of the most common myths.
- Tests for High Blood Pressure
If you measure for high blood pressure, your health care provider may order other tests to check for organ damage.
- Secondary Hypertension
High blood pressure might be the result of a secondary condition, such as sleep apnea, kidney problems, or even pregnancy. Learn more from WebMD about the causes and treatment of secondary hypertension.
- Grapefruit Juice: Is It Affecting Your Medication?
Your morning grapefruit juice may not be a good idea if you're taking certain medications for your heart or other conditions.
- How High Blood Pressure Leads to Erectile Dysfunction
WebMD explains the connection between high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction.
- High Blood Pressure and Erectile Dysfunction Treatments
High blood pressure can lead to erectile dysfunction, but there are plenty of treatments. WebMD provides an overview of drugs, surgeries, and alternative therapies used to help you regain your erections.
- Beta-Blockers for High Blood Pressure
Beta-blockers slow down your heart and ease its pumping strength. What should you know about taking them? What side effects could you have?
- Glossary of High Blood Pressure Terms
Here are the definitions of words you'll most likely encounter when dealing with high blood pressure.
- When to Call Your Doctor About High Blood Pressure
WebMD explains the symptoms of high blood pressure that should lead you to see your doctor.
- Diuretics (Water Pills) for High Blood Pressure
Diurectics are often the first medication to try for high blood pressure (hypertension). They help your body get rid of extra water and salt. What should you know about taking them?
- High Blood Pressure and Hypertensive Crisis
A spike in blood pressure could lead to hypertensive urgency or a hypertensive emergency - and organ damage. Learn more from WebMD about symptoms and treatment.
- What Can Raise Your Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure can cause serious problems like strokes and heart attacks, but you may not have any symptoms. Learn how high blood pressure affects your body and what makes you more likely to get it.
- Calcium Channel Blockers: High Blood Pressure and Other Uses
Calcium channel blockers are drugs used to lower blood pressure. Learn more from WebMD about how they work and their side effects.
- High Blood Pressure and Hypertensive Heart Disease
WebMD explains hypertensive heart disease -- the number one cause of death associated with high blood pressure.
- DASH Diet and High Blood Pressure
What is the DASH diet and how can it help people with high blood pressure? Find out more.
- Causes of High Blood Pressure
WebMD experts explain the causes of high blood pressure.
- Symptoms of High Blood Pressure
Symptoms of hypertension (high blood pressure) are usually silent. WebMD tells you more.
- An Overview of High Blood Pressure Treatment
WebMD tells you how to cope with high blood pressure, including lifestyle changes, drugs, and follow-up with your doctor.
- High Blood Pressure Medication Guidelines
WebMD offers guidelines for taking prescription drugs to treat high blood pressure.
- Frequently Asked Questions About High Blood Pressure
WebMD answers common questions about high blood pressure, including causes, treatments, and diet.
- High Blood Pressure and ACE Inhibitors
Learn more from WebMD about the use of ACE inhibitors for high blood pressure.
- Medications That Cause High Blood Pressure
Learn more from WebMD about which medications might cause high blood pressure or interfere with your hypertension drugs.
- Diagnosing High Blood Pressure
Hypertension is a "silent killer" because it is without symptoms. WebMD explains how high blood pressure is diagnosed.
- High Blood Pressure and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs)
Learn more from WebMD about angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), blood pressure medication that allows blood to flow more easily through your body.