Baby's 12-Month Checkup: What to Expect

Medically Reviewed by Renee A. Alli, MD on February 15, 2024
2 min read

Your baby is a year old now! Soon they'll be walking and talking. They may have already taken their first steps and added a few new words to "mama" or "dada." You're probably eager to talk to your baby's doctor about all these new changes!

Here's what to expect at your baby's 12-month checkup.

  • Check your baby's weight, length, and head circumference
  • Perform a physical exam of your baby
  • Possibly give your baby vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, or another (booster) shot of a vaccine your baby has already had
  • Recommend a flu shot if it's fall or winter
  • Screen for lead and hemoglobin
  • Is your baby pulling up? Standing? Walking?
  • What and how many words can your baby say?
  • Does your baby point at things and use both hands when playing?
  • Is it OK if my baby won't eat sometimes?
  • Can I introduce whole milk now?
  • When do I need to wean my baby from a bottle?


  • Your baby may be pickier and less interested in food. This is normal at this age.
  • Give baby a variety of healthy foods. This is a good time to grow their taste buds.
  • Remember, baby may not like a particular food on the first try. But keep trying!
  • Giving fruit is ALWAYS better than juice. Limit juice to ½ cup a day. Water is even better.
  • Unless your baby's doctor suggests 2%, your baby should start drinking whole milk now because they need the fat for growth.
  • 2 to 3 cups of whole milk a day is a good amount.
  • If you are weaning your baby from the bottle, wean gradually, first at mealtimes and finally before bed.
  • Putting just water in baby's bottle may help with weaning.


  • What are good toys for babies at this age?
  • What can I do to help my baby learn?


  • Your baby learns a lot by interacting with people.
  • Your baby may imitate what you do, like sweeping with a broom or talking on the phone.
  • Make time to read, play, and talk to your baby each day.
  • When you're with baby, say the names of things to help their language skills.
  • Pull toys, blocks for stacking and building, and balls are good for this age.
  • TV or media is not a good idea. Try putting on music instead.
  • Make sure your home is baby-proofed for the safety of your mobile or nearly mobile baby.

Your baby will need to be in a rear-facing car seat until age 2. Never leave baby alone in the car. Happy travels!