Baby's 2-Month Checkup: What to Expect

Medically Reviewed by Renee A. Alli, MD on February 15, 2024
2 min read

Congratulations! You've survived the first two months, and will soon be getting a glimpse of your baby's personality. Even though your little one is just 2 months old, your baby may already be smiling, looking at you, and starting to hold their head up! This is a great time to talk to your baby's doctor about these exciting developmental milestones and more.

Here's what to expect at your baby's 2-month checkup.

Give your baby's first combination immunizations. These may include:

  • DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis)
  • Hib (haemophilus influenzae type b)
  • IPV (polio vaccine)
  • PCV (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)
  • HBV (hepatitis B)
  • RV (rotavirus)

Remember, these vaccines are safe, and your baby really needs them to protect them from many life-threatening illnesses, such as pertussis or whooping cough.

  • Is your baby getting tummy time?
  • Can your baby hold their head up sometimes?
  • Has your baby smiled yet?
  • Is your baby alert to sounds?
  • Is your baby stretching and moving their arms and legs well?
  • How is your mood (the doctor may offer you test that screens for post-partum depression)?  


  • Should my baby be nursing less often now?
  • When is it time to start solid food?


  • Continue to feed your baby when they want to be fed, about 7 to 8 times a day.
  • Your baby may be going longer between feedings and have fewer poopy diapers, and that's okay.
  • Spitting up is common. Holding your baby upright in your arms, in a swing, or in a car seat for about 30 minutes after feeding may help. Make sure you continue to burp them after each feeding.
  • Don't give your baby infant cereal, juice, or other solids yet. Their digestive system is not ready. And NO water.
  • Breast milk or formula is all your baby needs right now!


  • I'm so tired -- when will my baby sleep through the night?
  • How can I help my baby learn to go to sleep on their own?


  • Just hang in there! Your baby may start sleeping for 6-hour stretches at night very soon -- some babies do this as early as 10 weeks of age.
  • To encourage night sleep, change or feed your baby at night with low lights on and don't play with your baby right before bed. This way, your baby knows it's time to sleep, not play.
  • To help your baby go to sleep on their own, put your baby down when they are drowsy, not overly tired.

This is also a great time to start talking to your baby. They'll be fascinated by your voice and will likely respond with coos and smiles! And enjoy every moment -- your baby will change quickly!