10 Things You Didn't Know About Babies
Their first poop doesn't stink.
Sometimes infants stop breathing.
Their tonsils have taste buds.
They cry without tears, at first.
Newborns have breasts.
They like to face right.
They have more of certain brain cells.
Baby boys get erections.
They can scare themselves.
Some birthmarks will disappear.
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2) Catherine Delahaye / Getty Images
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9) Catherine Ledner / Getty Images
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BabyCentre: "First 24 hours: newborn pee and poo," "Developmental milestones: taste."
HealthyChildren.org: "Baby's First Bowel Movements."
KidsHealth: "Looking at Your Newborn: What's Normal," "What Are Taste Buds?" "Birthmarks."
Menella, J. Pediatrics, June 2001.
AboutKidsHealth: "Eye Concerns in Newborn Babies," "Crying," "Skin Conditions and Birthmarks in Newborns."
LiveScience: "11 Facts Every Parent Should Know About Their Baby's Brain."
Michel, G. Science, May 8, 1981.
Neuroscience For Kids, University of Washington: "Brain Development."
Johns Hopkins Medicine: "The Growing Child: Newborn."
Futagi, Y. International Journal of Pediatrics, 2012.