Help Baby Nap Better
Do: Spot Sleepiness
Don’t: Leave Your Baby Asleep in Car Seat
Do: Know Babies Sleep a Lot
Don't: Rely on Naps To-Go
Do: Feed, Take a Break, Then Nap
Do: Stretch Out Naps
Do: Set a Routine
Don't: Rush In
Do: Put Baby Down When Awake
Do: Think Safety
1) Liane Cary/Age Fotostock
2) Creatas Creatas
3) Zehtinska Nadejda
4) Jekaterina Nikitina / Flickr Collection / Getty
5) Creatas Creatas
6) Sarah Small/The Image Bank
7) Pascal Broze/Onoky/Javier Larrea/AgeFotostock
8) Design Pics/Pete Stec
10) Ruslan Dashinsky
American Academy of Pediatrics: "A Parent’s Guide to Safe Sleep."
Ask Dr. Sears: "Sleep Problems," "Sleep Safety."
Better Health (Victorian Government of Australia): "Sleep: Children and Naps."
Children’s Hospital Boston, Pediatric Views: "Dr. Ferber Updates his Landmark Sleep Book."
Dr. Spock: "Sleep: Why and How Much?"
KidsHealth: "Breastfeeding FAQs: Sleep -- Yours and Your Baby’s," "Looking at Your Newborn: What’s Normal," "Naps."
Parenting Science: "Baby Sleep Deprivation: How to Tell if Your Baby is Overtired or Underslept."
Tobin, C. The Lull-a-Baby Sleep Plan: The Soothing, Superfast Way to Help Your New Baby Sleep Through the Night . . . And Prevent Sleep Problems Before They Develop, Rodale, 2006.
Tomorrow’s Child: "Safe Sleep Brochure."
USDA: "Feeding Infants-Body."