Newborn Skin: What's Normal and Skin Care Tips
Healthy Baby Skin
Baby Skin Is Sensitive
Stork Bites and Other Birthmarks
It's OK to Skip a Bath?
Umbilical Cord Stump Care
Avoiding Skin Problems at Bath Time
Baby's Hair
Diaper Rash
When to Call the Doctor
Laundry Tips for Baby Skin Care
1) Peter LaMastro / Stone
2) Stacy Gold / National Geographic
3) Kerry M. Halasz and Dr. P.Marazzi / Photo Researchers
4) Terry Vine / Riser
5) Walter B. McKenzie/Riser
6) Stockbyte
7) Cristian Baitg / Photographer's Choice
8) Frederic Cirou / Photoalto
9) ISM/Phototake
10) Jose Luis Pelaez, Inc. / Blend Images
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford: "Bathing and Skin Care," "Newborn Appearance."
American Academy of Pediatrics: "Bathing Your Newborn." "Guidelines for Bathing Your Newborn."
The American Academy of Pediatrics: Caring for Your Baby and Young Child. Bantam Books, June 1998.
March of Dimes: "Giving Your Baby a Bath."
Nemours Foundation. “Looking at Your Newborn: What’s Normal,” "A Guide for First-Time Parents."
"The skin." Darmstadt, G. and Sidbury, R. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 17th edition. Behrman, R., Kliegman, R., and Jenson, H. (eds.), Saunders, 2004.