7 Signs You Might Be A Helicopter Parent
You Fight Your Child's Battles
You Do Their Schoolwork
You Coach Their Coaches
You Keep Your Kids on a Short Leash
You're a Maid in Your Own House
You Play It Too Safe
You Can't Let Them Fail
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American Academy of Pediatrics: “Everybody Gets Mad: Helping Your Child Cope with Conflict,” “For Teens: A Personal Guide for Managing Stress,” “Chores and responsibility.”
American Psychological Association: “Using Praise to Enhance Student Resilience and Learning Outcomes.”
Michigan State University Extension: “What do youth sports teach our children, really?”
University of North Texas Center for Sports Psychology: “A Guide to Being a Positive Youth Sport Parent.”
Kids Health: “Raising Confident Kids.”
Brussoni, M. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2012.
Child Mind Institute: “What’s Wrong with Helicopter Parenting?”