- Overview
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- Causes & Risks
- Tests & Diagnosis
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Tips to Keep Joints Healthy
Stay in Motion
Safety First
Shed Some Pounds
Don't Stretch Before Exercise
Go Low-Impact
Flex Some Muscle
Work on Your Range
Power Up Your Core
Know Your Limits
Eat Fish
Keep Your Bones Strong
Target Your Posture
Ease Your Load
Chill Your Pain
Supplements? Ask First
Treat Joint Injuries
Photo Credits:
1) Comstock / Getty Images
2) Lori Adamski Peek / Getty Images
3) gvictoria / Getty Images
4) Senior Style / Getty Images
5) Henrik Sorensen / Getty Images
6) Steve Pomberg / WebMD
7) Comstock Images / Getty Images
8) Yellow Dog Productions / Getty Images
9) Barry Austin / Getty Images
10) Alan Copson / Getty Images
11) Jens Koenig / Getty Images
12) Hubert Camille / Getty Images
13) Tetra Images / Getty Images
14) Dorling Kindersley / Getty Images
15) Plush Studios / Getty Images
16) John Lund / Getty Images
Arthritis Today: "What is Osteoarthritis?"
University of Virginia Health System: "Knee Pain and Problems."
The Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center: "Osteoarthritis Weight Management."
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Weight-Control Information Network: "Do You Know the Risks of Being Overweight?"
The Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center: "Role of Exercise in the Management of Arthritis."
The Associated Press: "Experts: Forget Pre-Work Out Stretching."
University of Washington School of Medicine: "Exercise and Arthritis."
Arthritis Today: "Fatty Acid Benefits: How Omega-3s Reduce Inflammation."
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center: "Osteoarthritis."
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: "Glucosamine/Chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT)."
University of Maryland Medical Center: "Sulfur."
American Council on Exercise: "Injury May Increase Risk of Osteoarthritis."