Medically Reviewed by Zilpah Sheikh, MD on March 20, 2024
Symptoms Can Hit You Hard

Symptoms Can Hit You Hard


Pain. Fatigue. Stiffness. Swollen joints. You can tell from day to day when rheumatoid arthritis symptoms come at you strong.

You May Not Notice Early Joint Damage

You May Not Notice Early Joint Damage


For some people with RA, this irreversible damage -- even when it isn't flaring -- begins within 2 years of RA diagnosis and progresses over time.

Early, Aggressive RA Treatment Can Help

Early, Aggressive RA Treatment Can Help


There's no cure for RA. Still, early and aggressive treatments can help prevent further damage to your joints and promote remission.

Biologics Can Prevent Joint Damage

Biologics Can Prevent Joint Damage


With RA, your immune system mistakenly attacks your joints. Aggressive treatments like DMARDs and biologics slow joint damage by working on your defenses. Talk with your doctor about them.

When Are Biologics an Option?

When Are Biologics an Option?


If your RA hasn't responded to traditional disease-modifying medications like methotrexate or sulfasalazine, biologics may be able to help. Ask your doctor if it's an option for you.

Do Biologics Help?

Do Biologics Help?


They usually help 2 out of 3 people who take them. To improve your odds, doctors frequently prescribe other medications along with the biologic.

Potential Side Effects of Biologics

Potential Side Effects of Biologics


Like most medications, biologics can come with some side effects. For example, they may increase your chance of infections because they interrupt your immune system.

Tell Your Doctor About Infection

Tell Your Doctor About Infection


Be sure to let your doctor know if you're dealing with an infection before you begin biologics. They'll also screen you for tuberculosis and other diseases and check for hidden infection.

Biologics Can Be Expensive

Biologics Can Be Expensive


Another issue to consider when weighing your options, like with all medications, is cost. So don't be shy about asking your doctor about prescription assistance programs or affordable medication options.

How and When You'll Take a Biologic

How and When You'll Take a Biologic


That depends on the specific drug your doctor prescribes you. They're given either by intravenous infusion (IV) or a shot.

If You Take Biologics by Shot

If You Take Biologics by Shot


For shots, you'll be taught how to give them to yourself, so you can be in control. Most shots are needed on an ongoing basis. They're taken anywhere from once a day to once a month.

If You Take Biologics by Infusion

If You Take Biologics by Infusion


You'll visit your doctor's office or a clinic. IV sessions usually last a couple of hours. At first, treatment may be needed every couple of weeks. After that, it'll be spread out over time. 

Biologics May Take Time to Work

Biologics May Take Time to Work


It may take several weeks before you notice a difference in your swelling, joint pain, or stiffness. Be patient, and stick to your treatment plan.

Can Biologics Cure My RA?

Can Biologics Cure My RA?


No, but they may make you feel much better. Some people improve so much, they have few if any RA symptoms. That's called "remission on medication."

Work With Your Doctor

Work With Your Doctor


No matter how you feel, quitting biologics suddenly can put you at risk for a flare. You can find the right treatment plan by working closely with your doctor.