What Is an Extra Nipple?

Medically Reviewed by Debra Jaliman, MD on July 23, 2023
3 min read

An extra nipple means just what it sounds like: You have a third or an additional nipples on your body. Experts also call this supernumerary nipples, in the case where they occur in multiples. Other names are ectopic nipples, accessory nipples, vestigial nipples, or triple nipples.

It’s relatively common, found in between 1% and 5% of the population, and it’s harmless. Many people with an extra nipple may not realize that they have it.

An extra nipple forms during development in the womb. Anyone can be born with one or more. The odds of developing one later in life is very low.

You may not notice the presence of a third nipple, and you might think it is a birthmark or mole. They mainly occur along the milk lines where breast tissue potentially appears, anywhere above the armpits to the groin. Extra nipples appear alone in most cases.

When a third nipple appears alone, the condition is called polythelia. The supernumerary nipples are without accessory glandular tissue. In the case where an extra nipple is connected to the breast tissue or glands, experts call it polymastia.

Extra nipples fall into six main categories:

  • Category 1: The third nipple and areola (the area of pigmented skin around a nipple) appear with some underlying breast tissue.
  • Category 2: The third nipple lacks an areola but has underlying breast tissue.
  • Category 3: In this condition, there is breast tissue and an areola, but a nipple is missing.
  • Category 4: There is breast tissue but no areola or nipple.
  • Category 5: A nipple and areola are present but in the place of breast tissue is fatty tissue.
  • Category 6: Only a nipple is present without an areola or underlying breast tissue.

You may have multiple extra nipples in some cases, with all of them being different from each other.

You can quickly tell when you have a third nipple. It has an appearance like that of the two nipples on your chest. You may feel an ache around the location of the nipple. Hormonal changes in the menstruation cycle can bring that on.

If you're unsure if you have third nipple, a doctor can tell you if it's an extra nipple or something else. During the examination, the doctor will also check for any abnormalities in it.

Another reason to visit the doctor is if the nipple hardens, has lumps, or causes any discomfort. A rash over the area of the third nipple is also a reason to seek medical attention. Make regular appointments with your doctor to check for any unusual activity signs or abnormal growth around the nipple.

In rare cases, an ectopic nipple can be a sign of an underlying issue. It could be a sign of a congenital breast defect or a tumor.

Experts link some types of extra nipples like category six to certain kidney conditions. These include cancer of the kidney cells and end-stage renal disease. Take note of any changes in the third nipple, no matter how small, and tell your doctor about them.

Ectopic nipples rarely cause or signal any health problems. Removing them is usually for cosmetic purposes, and only rarely for medical reasons.

If the nipple has an underlying health issue that needs medical attention, the doctor may advise you to have surgery. They'll also prescribe medications to treat the condition. The removal process is an outpatient surgery. It is quick and almost painless. Cosmetic removal of a third nipple is usually more expensive.