Busy Brain? Tips to Quiet an Active Mind for Sleep
Not Sleepy? Stay Up
Put Off Paying the Bills
Make a To-Do List
Let Your Muscles Fully Relax
Slow Your Breath, Slow Your Mind
Make Your Bedroom a No-Screen Zone
Call Out Your Worries
Channel Your Inner Yogi
Go Ahead and Worry
1) Lacheev / Thinkstock
2) Ingram Publishing / Thinkstock
3) evgenyatamanenko / Thinkstock
4) jacoblund / Thinkstock
5) WebMD
6) AndreyPopov / Thinkstock
7) YakobchukOlena / Thinkstock
8) George Doyle / Thinkstock
9) fizkes / Thinkstock
10) pixelheadphoto / Thinkstock
Mind.org: “How to cope with sleep problems.”
Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust: “Jacobson’s progressive relaxation technique.”
Anxiety and Depression Association of America: “Sleep Disorders.”
National Sleep Foundation: “How Does Anxiety Affect Sleep?” “Scary Ways Technology Affects Your Sleep,” “How to Meditate Before Bed.”
Journal of Experimental Psychology: “The effects of bedtime writing on difficulty falling asleep: A polysomnographic study comparing to-do lists and completed activity lists.”
The Sleep Council: “Seven Steps to a Better Night’s Sleep.”
Harvard Health Publishing: “Yoga for Better Sleep.”
Behavior Modification: “A Preliminary Investigation of Stimulus Control Training for Worry: Effects on Anxiety and Insomnia.”
Sleep Health Foundation Australia: “Anxiety and Sleep.”