Urinary Incontinence OAB Medical Reference
- What to Know About Unusual Urine Smells
Find out what you need to know about why your urine smells unusual and discover what’s normal and what’s a sign of a problem.
- What to Know About Urinary Hesitancy
What is urinary hesitancy, and how does it affect your daily life? Is it common in specific age groups? Learn all about it here.
- What Is a Urethral Diverticulum?
Learn what urethral diverticulum is. Understand this rare condition, how to spot it, and how to treat it.
- What to Know About Uroflowmetry
What is uroflowmetry? When is this test used, and what can it tell about your health? Learn about this procedure here.
- What to Know About Intermittent Catheterization
Find out what you need to know about intermittent catheterization, and discover why you may need it and what advantages it may have.
- What is Bladder Trabeculation?
Learn more about how bladder trabeculation can suggest a more serious issue with your urinary system.
- What Is Uropathy?
What is uropathy and how can you treat this difficulty with urination?
- What to Know About Condom Catheters
Find out what you need to know about condom catheters and discover the pros, cons, risks, benefits, and how they may affect health.
- 11 Ways to Manage OAB at Work
Work can be stressful enough. Adding OAB at work can take stress to the next level. Find out 11 ways to manage OAB on the job.
- Mistakes People With OAB Make
Did you know YOU could be making your OAB worse? Here are some mistakes you may be making with OAB, and how you change them.
- Traveling With Overactive Bladder
Are you traveling with an overactive bladder? We’ve got some tips you need to know so your trip goes smoothly.
- Gain Control Over Your OAB
If you have OAB, don’t be embarrassed. We have ways to help you, including exercises, watching what you eat and drink, medication, and Botox.
- Keeping Your Care Team Updated About Your OAB
Making sure your doctor knows about you and your OAB is crucial. Find out some key things to talk to your doctor about your condition.
- Neurogenic Bladder
If your brain or nervous system is damaged, it can affect how your bladder works. Find out about how, as well as your treatment options.
- Catheters: When Are They Needed?
A catheter is a thin, flexible tube that carries fluids into or out of your body. It can put medicine or nutrients directly into one of your veins, or it can help pee flow out of your bladder.
- What Is a Post-Void Residual Urine Test?
If you have urinary problems, your doctor may need to know how much urine stays in your bladder after you pee. A post-void residual urine test gives the answer.
- What Is Sling Surgery?
If you have urinary stress incontinence, a sling surgery procedure may help ease or stop embarrassing incontinence symptoms.
- What Is Electrical Stimulation for Overactive Bladder?
Electrical stimulation is a treatment for overactive bladder. Learn how it works and if it might be right for you.
- What is a Urine Potassium Test?
A urine potassium test is sometimes done along with other tests to give your doctor more information about your health.
- What Causes Urinary Incontinence in Men?
Do you have trouble holding your urine? Find out what might be causing your urinary incontinence.
- What’s the Treatment for Urinary Incontinence in Men?
Dealing with leaking urine? Find out what you can do to treat your urinary incontinence.
- How to Prevent Urinary Incontinence in Men
What’s putting you at risk of urinary incontinence? Are there ways to lower your chances?
- What Is Urinary Incontinence in Men? What Are the Types?
Always have that “gotta go” feeling? Find out if you could have urinary incontinence.
- Why Am I Having Problems With Peeing?
hen you have to pee, do you sometimes experience pain or leaking? Do you have a hard time peeing when you want to? Learn more about some common reasons.
- Treatment for Urinary Incontinence in Women
Is urinary incontinence keeping you on the bench? WebMD explains the different treatments that can get you back into the game.
- Vaginal Pessaries: Types and Use
Vaginal pessaries are soft, removable devices that help relieve the pressure and discomfort caused by pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Here’s how they work, how they help, and how you should care for them.
- How Do Doctors Test for Urinary Incontinence in Women?
Feel cornered by a frequent, sudden need to “go”? Learn what tests your doctor can use to see if you have urinary incontinence.
- What Is Bladder Prolapse Surgery?
When a woman’s bladder sags out of place in her abdomen and breaks through into the vagina, that’s called bladder prolapse. It can cause pain, difficulty peeing and other issues, but it’s treatable.
- How Do Doctors Test for Urinary Incontinence in Men?
What should you expect when you see the doctor about your urinary incontinence? Learn about the questions and tests that will help diagnose your problem.
- Cystitis
Cystitis can be painful and have you constantly headed to the bathroom, but it’s usually easily treated with medicine. Learn what causes it, how to know you have it, and what tests you might need.
- Bed-Wetting in Adults
Find out what may be causing you to wet the bed when you're an adult and what you can do to treat it.
- OAB: Tips for Better Sex and Sleep
Don't let OAB ruin your sex life. Here are some tips to get your groove back in the bedroom.
- The Truth About Urine
If you peek before you flush, your pee can give you a hint about what’s going on inside your body.
- What Is a Shy Bladder?
Can’t pee in public? You might have a shy bladder. What are the causes and treatments for this condition?
- Why Do I Pee So Much at Night?
The need to pee at night is a widespread problem that becomes more common as you age. WebMD explains the causes and what might help you to hold it in.
- Managing Incontinence
Learn about incontinence, the treatments available, and lifestyle changes you can make so you can understand your condition and continue do to the things you enjoy.
- What Makes Overactive Bladder Worse?
You may not mean to, but you could be making your overactive bladder worse. Fortunately, you can turn around some of things that bring on those bothersome urges to go.
- Food and Drink to Tame an Overactive Bladder
If you have an overactive bladder, you may want to watch what you eat and drink. Learn more from WebMD about foods and beverages to avoid if you have urge incontinence.
- Urge Incontinence: Tips for Daily Life
When it comes to urge incontinence, or overactive bladder (OAB), small changes in your daily life can make a big difference. These tips from WebMD can help you improve urinary incontinence symptoms.
- Bladder Training
WebMD explains how bladder training works to reduce urinary leakage and urge incontinence.
- Bladder Spasms
WebMD explains bladder spasms in children and adults, including causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments.
- Functional Incontinence
WebMD explains functional incontinence, including symptoms, causes, (such as arthritis, Parkinson's and multiple sclerosis), and treatments.
- Frequent Urination: Causes and Treatments
Gotta go all the time? WebMD looks into possible causes of frequent urination and how to curb the symptoms of overactive bladder.
- Bladder Suspension
WebMD explains bladder suspension surgery, including various procedures and their complications.
- Interstitial Cystitis
WebMD describes interstitial cystitis (IC), also known as painful bladder syndrome, including symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatments.
- Mixed Incontinence
Urine leakage affects millions of Americans. Learn more from WebMD about the causes, symptoms and treatment of mixed incontinence, a combination of urge and stress incontinence.
- Overflow Incontinence
WebMD explains overflow incontinence, including symptoms, causes, tests, and treatments.
- Kegel Exercises: Treating Male Urinary Incontinence
Take control of male urinary incontinence by doing Kegel exercises. WebMD explains how.
- Bladder Control Products for Urinary Incontinence
Learn about at bladder control products -- from disposable underwear to bedding -- for those with urinary incontinence.