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Prime Time: The Best Time to Do Everything
Perfect Timing
Weigh Yourself
Solve Problems
Learn Something New
Take a Break
Interview for a Job
Sleep Late
Be Open and Honest
Put on Sunscreen
Have Surgery
Take Asthma Meds
1) selensergen / Thinkstock
2) kyolshin / Thinkstock
3) Plush Studios/Chris Gramly / Thinkstock
4) Ridofranz / Thinkstock
5) dashek / Thinkstock
6) Saklakova / Thinkstock
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9) XiXinXing / Getty Images
10) Nevena1987 / Thinkstock
11) James Darell / Getty Images
12) betyarlaca / Thinkstock
13) F1online
14) Robert Bocian / Thinkstock
15) Science Photo Library
Journal of Business and Management, “Optimization of duration of working span and break span,” September 2015.
Thinking and Reasoning: “Time of day effects on problem solving: When the non-optimal is optimal.”
Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School: “Sleep, Learning, and Memory.”
About Memory: “Time of day effects in immediate and delayed memory.”
Learning and Individual Differences: “Morningness/eveningness and school performance among Spanish adolescents: Further evidence.”
American Academy of Dermatology: “How to apply sunscreen.”
Psychological Science: “The Morning Morality Effect: The Influence of Time of Day on Unethical Behavior,” “Daily Horizons: Evidence of Narrow Bracketing in Judgment From 10 Years of M.B.A. Admissions.”
American Council on Exercise: “The Best Time to Exercise.”
Diabetes Forecast: “Does It Matter When You Exercise?”
Sleep.org: “How Exercise Affects Sleep,” “How Long Is an Ideal Nap?” “What’s the Best Time of Day to Nap?”
Cleveland Clinic: “Best Day of the Week to Weigh Yourself.”
National Jewish Health: “Timing Your Medication.”
National Institutes of Health: “Sleep Deprivation and Deficiency,” “Aim For a Healthy Weight,” “Timing of elective surgery as a perioperative outcome variable: analysis of pancreaticoduodenectomy.”
Inside Science: “Time of Day Could Impact Athletes' Performance Peak.”
ReproductiveFacts.org: “Optimizing Natural Fertility.”