What Are Hemorrhoids?
Anyone Can Get Them
What Are They?
What Causes Them?
How Are They Diagnosed?
Prolapse and Thrombosis
Food to Prevent and Relieve Them
Treatment at Home
Treatment by a Doctor
1) Thomas Barwick / Getty Images
2) JFalcetti / Getty Images
3) Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / Getty Images
4) penkanya / Getty Images
5) PeopleImages / Getty Images
6) Mikael Häggström . MedicineNet
7) KatarzynaBialasiewicz / Getty Images
8) Sean Justice / Getty Images
9) MedicineNet
10) Portra / Getty Images
American Cancer Society: “Frequently Asked Questions About Colonoscopy and Sigmoidoscopy.”
American Gastroenterological Association: "Living with Hemorrhoids."
American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons: “Hemorrhoids.”
Harvard Health Publications, Harvard Medical School: "Hemorrhoids and what to do about them."
FamilyDoctor.org: “Hemorrhoids: Causes and Risk Factors."
UpToDate: "Patient information: Hemorrhoids (Beyond the Basics)."
Cleveland Clinic: "Hemorrhoids."
Mayo Clinic: "Hemorrhoids."