Medically Reviewed by Shruthi N, MD on June 15, 2024
Mental Health Exercises to Manage Stress and Other Lupus Triggers

Mental Health Exercises to Manage Stress and Other Lupus Triggers


Lupus is an autoimmune disease that can vary between mild and severe symptoms. Joint pain, arthritis, and photosensitivity are some of the symptoms. Lupus also involves chronic fatigue and reduces your quality of life. Research suggests lupus is a stress-related disease, which means many of the symptoms can be worsened by stress. 

There are mental health exercises that you can practice to help manage your stress and other lupus triggers. 

Try Yoga

Try Yoga


Yoga is a great way to reduce anxiety and depression. One study showed that perceived stress and anxiety could be lowered by yoga because it modulates your stress response systems. A low-intensity yoga is best for stress relief. 




Meditation offers many benefits to your mental health. It can help you learn to be present in the moment and feel relaxed and calm. You can do this by using a meditation app or sitting by yourself to focus on your breathing. The key is to close your eyes and turn your focus inward. Even five minutes of meditation a day can make a difference. 

Read a Good Book

Read a Good Book


Reading has been shown to decrease depressive symptoms. Sitting down to read a book you’re interested in can help calm your mind and relax your body. This also helps reduce your blood pressure and slow your heart rate. All of these calming effects are good for managing stress. 

Journal Your Thoughts

Journal Your Thoughts


A gratitude journal is a great way to remind yourself what you’re grateful for. It’s also a positive way to track small wins throughout the day. Try practicing journaling your thoughts and feelings for a while to see if it reduces your stress. 

Embrace Your Creativity

Embrace Your Creativity


Creative expression is a great way to manage stress. This is an open-ended mental exercise. You could try cooking a new recipe, writing a poem, painting a landscape, or working on a DIY project. 

Get Plenty of Sleep

Get Plenty of Sleep


Getting close to eight hours of sleep each night is great for regulating your body. Sleep is an essential part of helping you improve your cognitive function and productivity. 

Go For a Bike Ride

Go For a Bike Ride


Regular exercise can vastly improve your overall quality of life. Exercise can also help increase your self-esteem, improve your memory, and benefit your overall well-being. While the type of exercise you do is up to you, getting out for a walk or bike ride is an excellent way to get regular exercise. 

Practice Deep Breathing

Practice Deep Breathing


Deep breathing exercises can have a positive impact on your mental health. They can lower your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate. It’s a form of relaxation that allows your body and mind to be revitalized. 

Listen to Music

Listen to Music


Music has been shown to improve mood and mindset. Put on your favorite upbeat song or listen to classical music to help reduce stress. It's a good idea to listen to classical and soft music to put you in a relaxed mood. 

Talk With a Loved One

Talk With a Loved One


When stress or other lupus triggers flare up, you should have someone you can turn to. Overwhelming stress may make you want to keep to yourself. But talking to someone you trust can improve your mental health and strengthen your relationships.