Slideshow: Surprising Ways Smoking Affects Your Looks and Life
Which Twin Is the Smoker?
Tobacco's Tell-Tale Signs
Poor Skin Tone
Sagging Skin
Sagging Arms and Breasts
Lines Around the Lips
Age Spots
Damaged Teeth and Gums
Stained Fingers
Hair Loss
Crow's Feet Eye Wrinkles
How Quitting Improves Your Looks
Combating Skin Damage: Creams
Combating Skin Damage: Procedures
Brittle Bones
Heart Disease and ED
Reduced Athletic Ability
Reproductive Problems
Early Menopause
Oral Cancer
Lung Cancer
How Quitting Improves Your Health
Cigarette Stench
Can You Quit?
1, 2) Bahman Guyuron, MD, Department of Plastic Surgery, University Hospitals Case Medical Center
3) Michaela Begsteiger/Imagebroker
4) Anthony Marsland/Stone
5) Image Source
6) Hannah Mason/Corbis
7) Bahman Guyuron, MD, Department of Plastic Surgery, University Hospitals Case Medical Center
8) Thinkstock
9) Thinkstock
10) Thinkstock
11) Thinkstock
12) Jodi Jacobson/Photodisc
13) Photolibrary
14) BSIP/Photo Researchers Inc
15) Fuse
16) Thinkstock
17) BSIP/Photo Researchers Inc
18) Todd Gipstein/National Geographic
19) Howard Kingsnorth/Cultura
20) UHB Trust/Stone
21) Laurence Mouton
22) Biophoto Associates/Photo Researchers Inc
24) SPL/Photo Researchers Inc
24) Paul Sisul/Riser
26) iStock
American Cancer Society
American Journal of Medicine, November 2007.
American Lung Association
American Society of Plastic Surgeons, news release
Archives of Dermatology, November 2007.
California State University Northridge
Guyuron, B. Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery, April 2009.
Jonette Keri, MD, PhD, associate professor of dermatology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Medline Plus
National Cancer Institute
Oral Cancer Foundation
The Nemours Foundation
University of Michigan Health System
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services