Progesterone levels can affect menstrual periods and menopausal symptoms. All progesterone products are made in a lab. The term "natural progesterone" refers to progesterone made from a chemical called diosgenin, which comes from wild yam or soy. The human body is not able to make progesterone from diosgenin, so eating wild yam or soy will not boost progesterone levels.
People use progesterone supplements and other non-prescription products for infertility, menopausal symptoms, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support any use.
Non-prescription progesterone products may contain more or less progesterone than indicated on the label. These products do not require FDA approval. Discuss the use of prescription progesterone products with a healthcare provider. Also, don't confuse progesterone with pregnenolone or wild yam. These are not the same.
Uses & Effectiveness ?
We currently have no information for PROGESTERONE overview.
Side Effects
When applied into the vagina: Prescription progesterone products are likely safe when used appropriately under the care of a healthcare provider. There isn't enough reliable information to know if non-prescription progesterone products are safe. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.
Special Precautions and Warnings
When applied into the vagina: Prescription progesterone products are likely safe when used appropriately under the care of a healthcare provider. There isn't enough reliable information to know if non-prescription progesterone products are safe. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.
Pregnancy: Prescription progesterone products are likely safe when applied into the vagina as part of infertility treatment or while pregnant to prevent preterm labor. But progesterone is likely unsafe when used during pregnancy for any other purpose. There isn't enough reliable information to know if non-prescription forms of progesterone are safe to use during pregnancy. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.
Breast-feeding: There isn't enough reliable information to know if progesterone is safe to use when breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.
Arterial disease: Don't use non-prescription forms of progesterone if you have arterial disease.
Breast cancer: Don't use non-prescription forms of progesterone if you have breast cancer or a history of breast cancer.
Depression: Don't use non-prescription forms of progesterone if you have depression.
Liver disease: Progesterone might make liver disease worse. Don't use non-prescription forms of progesterone if you have liver disease.
Porphyria: Progesterone might cause an attack of porphyria. Don't use non-prescription forms of progesterone if you have porphyria.
Vaginal bleeding: If you have undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, don't use non-prescription forms of progesterone.
Interactions ?
Estrogens interacts with PROGESTERONE
Progesterone and estrogen are both hormones. They are often taken together. Progesterone can decrease some of the side effects of estrogen. But progesterone might also decrease the beneficial effects of estrogen. Taking progesterone products along with estrogen might cause breast tenderness.
Moderate Interaction
Be cautious with this combination
Paclitaxel (Abraxane, Onxol) interacts with PROGESTERONE
Injecting high-doses of progesterone by IV together with the drug paclitaxel might increase levels of paclitaxel in the blood. It's not clear if this is a concern with progesterone supplements or other non-prescription progesterone products. IV products can only be given by a healthcare provider.
Minor Interaction
Be watchful with this combination
Some progesterone products are available via prescription. Discuss the use of these products with a healthcare provider.
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