A Visual Guide to Generalized Anxiety Disorder
What’s Normal?
What It Feels Like
Physical Symptoms
When It Won’t Stop
Who Gets It?
What Are the Causes?
How It’s Diagnosed
How Psychotherapy Helps
Anti-Anxiety Medicine
Taking Care of Yourself
Herbal Remedies: Caution
When It’s More Than Anxiety
Panic Disorder
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder
Other Phobias
Where to Get Help
1. Stuart O’Sullivan/Stone
2. Martin Barraud/Stone+
3. Comstock
4. Odilon Dimier/PhotoAlto
5. Hans Neleman/Digital Vision
6. Roger Harris/Photo Researchers, CMSP
7. Thomas Barwick/Stone
8. Steve Pomberg/WebMD
9. Steve Pomberg/WebMD
10. Simon Watson/FoodPix
11. Martin Barraud/OJO Images
12. ARCO Images GmbH
13. Keenpress/Saskia Coulson/National Geographic
14. Gaetan Charbonneau/Photographer’s Choice
15. John Lund/Stone
16. Bronko/Flickr
17. Lea Rubin/Workbook Stock
18. Jason Todd/Rubberball
19. Thomas Northcut/Lifesize
National Institute of Mental Health: "Generalized Anxiety Disorder."
MedlinePlus: "Generalized Anxiety Disorder."
National Institute of Mental Health: "Role of Research in Improving the Understanding and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders."
National Institute of Mental Health: "Treatment of Anxiety Disorders."
National Institute of Mental Health: "How to Get Help for Anxiety Disorders."
Sherman, K. Depression and Anxiety, May 2010.
Pilkington, K. Autonomic Neuroscience, October 2010.
Lakhan, S. Nutrition Journal, October 2010.
Saeed, S. American Family Physician, August 2007.
National Institute of Mental Health: "Panic Disorder."
National Institute of Mental Health: "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder."
National Institute of Mental Health: "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder."
National Institute of Mental Health: "Social Phobia."
National Institute of Mental Health: "Specific Phobias."