The 6 Superpowers of Introverts

Medically Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on August 11, 2021
4 min read

The term “ introvert” was coined by the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung. It describes a personality that is more focused on internal emotions than external events. Introverted characteristics are not always acknowledged as positive because they are so internal, sensitive, and subtle. However, that same focus on internal emotions and worlds can have significant benefits.

Often, extroverts place so much importance on the world around them that they are not as in touch with their inner voice as they could be. This block of the inner voice can significantly inhibit their creativity. Introverts generally prefer time alone with themselves. Therefore, they are more likely to spend alone time developing their creative sides. 

However, it has also been shown that while introverts can think creatively and come up with exciting ideas, they are not always the most forthcoming with those ideas. So, just make sure that you realize and then share this superpower with the world. 

While in school, introverts are more likely to spend time alone, studying or reading. They are less likely to get distracted by social events or parties. The correlation between introverts and academic knowledge has been scientifically documented.

Additionally, with their creativity and interest in more profound meanings, they may be able to not only spend a lot of time with their schoolwork, but also apply their unique analytical thinking skills to whatever assignment may be at hand.

Being more thoughtful and reflective, introverts are less likely to charge into an accident or impulsively risk their health or safety. This could also mean they are less likely to overeat. Additionally, they are also more likely to sleep more.

In addition to the benefits of physical health, introverts' natural inclination to focus on their own inner worlds could also lead to an interest in their own mental health. Not being so concerned with the outside world and how others perceive them might be a relief. As a result, introverts may have less stress, anxiety, or other mental health concerns.

Increasingly, more and more business is conducted over social media and through the internet. Introverts may just have the upper hand in today’s environment of carrying out business remotely or online. Written communication bodes better for the introverted personality type, as it gives the introvert's thoughtfulness time to shine.

This was especially showcased during the pandemic when offices shut down, and the future of the world became uncertain. Working at home, introverts were able to use their empathy and more quiet natures to both hunker down on their work while also reassuring clients and peers. 

Not only did introverts do well in this sense, but remote work is also much more suited to introverts in many ways. They thrive off the solitude and removal of interpersonal interactions. One of the crucial definitions of an introvert is that socialization takes more energy for them than it does for extroverts, so removing that in the workplace can be a great relief for them. 

While extroverts tend to have a trickier time listening to the ideas and thoughts of others, this comes naturally to introverts. In fact, introverts are way more likely to be able to listen and take in the ideas of others truly. This can quickly lead to a better level of innovation as the ideas of many are better than the ideas of one. 

In a research experiment conducted on the staff of a pizza franchise, it was found that stores with introverted managers had higher revenues than stores that employed extroverted managers. However, when examined closely, it was found that this was because introverted managers listened to their employees in order to more creatively solve problems. 

Being more in tune with yourself allows you to be more sensitive to others. Introverts in leadership roles may be more apt to encourage ideas from their subordinates, notice more details, and come up with more creative solutions to problems because of their internal focus. Leaders who listen to their employees or subordinates are more likely to utilize their team’s potential and innovate solutions to problems.

They also may be able to cultivate a community on a deeper level as they are more prone to listen. Introverts often prize the quality of connection over many different connections, which can be a real leadership asset. Instead of focusing on the external distinctions between everyone, introverts could be more interested in uniting people for who they are on the inside.