WebMD Countdown: Benefits of Meditation
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Life a bit overwhelming? Five minutes of meditation one to two times per day can help you stop the world and transcend your woes packing. Here are five amazing benefits to getting your ohm on.
Number five, forget milk. Meditation does a body good. Research shows that it can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and strengthen the immune system. It's like a shot of wheat grass, only without the wheat grass taste.
Number four, it sharpens your mind. Meditation can improve your concentration, attention to detail, and focus, allowing you to juggle it all without dropping the ball.
Number three, welcome to your happy place. Regular meditation can increase serotonin production, which improves your mood and helps with anxiety and depression. It's your body's natural happy drug. And this time, it's OK to just say yes.
Number two, moment of zen equals more Zs. Are you tossing and turning every night and waking up cranky and ready for a nap? Experts say 20 minutes of meditation a day can improve your sleep, even for serious insomniacs. So a little zen can get you a lot more Zs.
And the number one benefit of daily meditation? You'll stress less. Regular stress hurts both your figurative and literal heart. So break the cycle. There are a ton of ways to meditate. Some are as simple as focused breathing, which means that if you're breathing, you're already halfway there.
Find a meditation practice that works for you, and oh, my, will you feel better, inside and out.