WebMD Now: Why the Rich Live Longer and How You Can, Too

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Not only are the rich, well, richer than you and me. They live longer too. In fact, research has found a direct link between how much money you have and how long you live. But that doesn't mean you need a big bank account to live healthy. Today, we'll look at four things you can do to enjoy a long life, regardless of the size of your wallet.

First up, eat well. Eating a balanced diet won't cost you an arm and a leg. Focus on fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and, most of all, watch the portions. You can shop smart and not break the bank.

Next, stay in shape. You don't need a membership in a fancy gym or couture health apparel. Exercise is free. You just need to move. Take a walk. Take the stairs, or work on strength by doing pushups and basic weight training. All you need is your determination.

Number three, keep calm and carry on. Meditate or just breathe deep, and you'll feel your stress melting away. You'll get long-lasting health effects and a critical foundation for great health. It's your mind. Use it. Mindfulness is free. So is breathing.

And finally, don't smoke. Cigarettes are not free. And boy, do they wreak havoc on your health. Be that quitter who wins.

Pretty simple. Right? It doesn't take a lot to reap the rich rewards of healthy living.