What Are High-Cholesterol Foods?
High-cholesterol foods are those that are particularly high in saturated fats, which raise cholesterol levels. Foods that come from animals, including dairy products, are high in cholesterol, as are processed meats and oils such as palm and coconut.
With hectic days and busy nights, who has time to cook? That’s why many of us rely on the grab-and-go ease of processed foods.
There’s a downside, though. These meals are often high in fat, salt, and sugar — and low in nutrients that are good for you such as calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber.
You can work a better diet into your packed schedule if you shop smart and keep good-for-you foods handy.
Does Avoiding High-Cholesterol Foods Lower Your Cholesterol?
A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and good fats can help lower what’s sometimes called “bad cholesterol.” You may hear your doctor call it “LDL cholesterol.” You have a greater chance of getting heart disease when your LDL level gets too high.
You get other benefits from these foods. They also:
- Lower your blood pressure
- Boost immunity
- Protect against heart attack, stroke, and some cancers
Foods to Buy
What can I eat to reduce cholesterol?
Focus on the following foods when you’re at the grocery store -- a farmer’s market might have some great picks, too:
Produce: Look for colorful fruits and vegetables such as berries, grapes, pears, oranges, apples, tomatoes, yams, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, spinach, kale, dark leafy greens, squash, zucchini, eggplant, and bell peppers. Naturally cholesterol-free and low-fat, fruits and vegetables are the foundation of a good diet.
Whole grains: Oats, quinoa, barley, wheat berries, flaxseed, couscous, polenta, millet, bulgur, and whole wheat offer fiber, complex carbohydrates, and protein. Look for breads, pastas, and cereals made with a variety of whole grains.
You will need to avoid certain grains, though, if your doctor says you can’t eat gluten or you have celiac disease, which affects your small intestine.
Be sure to read the labels to make sure the products you buy are also low in fat, sugar, and sodium. For example, choose cereals that have 5 or more grams of dietary fiber and fewer than 8 grams of sugar per serving.
Meat and beans: Choose skinless cuts of chicken or turkey breasts, and lean cuts of meat such as pork tenderloin and beef round, sirloin, or tenderloin. Read labels to be sure the meat is at least 92% fat-free. Consider heart-healthy meat substitutes such as seitan, tempeh, and tofu.
Buy protein-rich beans such as black beans, soy/edamame, kidney, or garbanzo beans.
Nuts and seeds: Snack on them or use them as garnishes in salads and pastas. Stock up on the plain varieties. When you buy natural-style peanut butter or almond butter, look for products that contain just the nuts, or just nuts and salt.
Dairy/calcium: Look for low- or reduced-fat dairy products such as yogurt, milk, cottage cheese, cream cheese, sour cream, creamer, and, of course, cheese. Canned fish, such as tuna, sardines, and salmon, also pack a lot of calcium.
If you’re lactose-intolerant or vegan, try calcium-enriched or fortified cereals and juices, and green, leafy vegetables to fill the calcium gap. Soy milk, almond milk, and other nondairy products may also be options. When shopping for these drinks, choose unsweetened products to avoid added sugar.
Vitamin D, which helps you take in more calcium, is often added to dairy products, some cereal products, and margarine. It’s also found naturally in fish and egg yolks.
Omega-3-rich foods: Most of us aren’t getting enough of this good fatty acid in our diets.
You find these fats in fish. Coldwater fish such as salmon, tuna, halibut, herring, and mackerel have higher amounts. You can also find plant omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts, chia seeds, and ground flaxseed.
Also, look for foods enriched with it. These may include eggs, dairy, soy products, breads, cereals, and pasta.
Condiments. Watch out for high amounts of salt in condiments and sauces. Even small amounts add up fast. Look for low-sodium, low-fat options when buying ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, barbecue sauce, soy sauce, and salad dressings. Apple cider, balsamic, rice, raspberry, and red wine vinegar also make heart-healthy salad dressing options.
“Good” oils: Some oils can be good for you. Olive oil can help raise the level of your “good” cholesterol (HDL). Look for other vegetable-based oils: canola, soy, and sunflower. Cut down on butter in your cooking with nonfat cooking spray or non-trans-fat margarine. Try replacements for fat when baking, such as applesauce, fruit puree, or yogurt.
Plant sterol-enriched foods: Plant sterols and stanols are substances that help block cholesterol from being absorbed in your small intestine.
They are found naturally in foods in only tiny amounts. You can get some plant sterols from produce, nuts, seeds, and legumes, but not nearly the 2 grams a day recommended for people with high cholesterol.
If you need more, look for sterol-enriched foods such as margarine spreads, some yogurt or low-fat milk, some fruit juices, and some cereal. Be sure to read the labels to make sure the food is not also high in fat and sugar.
High-Cholesterol Foods to Avoid
To help you make the best choices, avoid these foods that can raise cholesterol.
High-cholesterol foods with trans fats
Trans fats are bad for you and can be found in packaged snacks such as pastries, cookies, crackers, and some types of margarine. Read the nutrition facts to see all the fats in the product.
Other foods that are often filled with trans fats include biscuits, breakfast sandwiches, microwave popcorn, cream-filled candy, doughnuts, fried fast foods, and frozen pizza.
Salty high-cholesterol foods
Too much sodium can raise your blood pressure. You probably already know not to have too much canned soup and salty snack foods. It can also lurk in breads and rolls, cold cuts and cured meats, pizza, some chicken, and some fast-food sandwiches.
You might be surprised how often it’s found in frozen foods, too. When in doubt, read labels. Try not to get more than 2,300-2,400 milligrams per day.
Processed meat
Foods such as bacon, hot dogs, and sausage are processed from the fattiest cuts of red meat, making them high in saturated fat and cholesterol.
In addition to raising cholesterol levels, processed meats have been shown to contribute to colon cancer. Studies show a probable connection between cancer and red meat as well, but there's limited evidence that eating red meat is the only cause.
Sugary high-cholesterol foods
Eating lots of sugary foods may cause weight gain, heart disease, diabetes, as well as higher cholesterol levels. Try to limit how much of these types of food you eat and drink.
You probably know many of the “usual suspects”: soda, sweet tea, candy, cakes, cookies, and ice cream, among others. But sugar is added to things you might not even think about — from spaghetti sauce to fast food. This includes many ketchups, breakfast bars, and even tonic water.
Read labels. Here are some common added sugars to check for:
- Brown sugar
- Corn sweeteners and syrup
- Dextrose and fructose
- Fruit juice concentrates
- Glucose
- High-fructose corn syrup
- Lactose
- Maltose
- Sucrose
Foods that have one or more of those things listed high on the ingredient list may have a lot of sugar.
High-Cholesterol Foods Shopping Tips
Shop when you’re full: You’ll be less tempted by high-cholesterol foods if you’re not hungry. Some nutritionists recommend avoiding certain aisles in the supermarket. Bypass rows with bakery items, crackers, cookies, and other foods high in saturated fat.
Read food labels: Ingredients are listed by weight, from most to least, so it’s helpful to focus on the first three to five ingredients. Beware of prepared foods promoting one particular ingredient — look at the whole package instead.
Talk to your doctor or dietitian about more ways to improve your diet.
You need cholesterol to repair and build nutrients and materials to keep your body functioning. However, too much cholesterol, especially in the form of foods with saturated fats such as milk, dairy products, and certain oils, can lead to a higher risk of heart disease or stroke. To lower your cholesterol, avoid eating high-cholesterol foods and eat a fiber-rich diet consisting of vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts, fish, skinless poultry, and oils containing polyunsaturated fats.
High-Cholesterol Foods FAQs
What should I eat if my cholesterol is high?
Unlike animals, plants don't make cholesterol. So, having a diet rich in fruits and vegetables will help lower your cholesterol, especially those rich in fiber. A diet high in fiber contributes to gut health and can prevent too much cholesterol from being absorbed into your bloodstream.
What are the 15 foods that lower cholesterol?
- High-fiber foods such as hot or cold cereal with oats
- Whole grains such as barley
- Beans (such as lentils, black-eyed peas, navy beans, kidney beans, and garbanzo beans)
- Okra and eggplant (low-calorie, fiber-rich vegetables)
- Spinach and leafy greens containing lots of water
- Avocados, a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs)
- Nuts, such as peanuts, walnuts, almonds, and others
- Polyunsaturated oils such as vegetable, olive oil, canola, and safflower
- Fruits such as apples, grapes, oranges, and strawberries, which are high in pectin, a type of soluble fiber
- Soybeans and foods made of soy such as tofu
- Chicken and turkey minus the skin
- Omega-3 fatty acid-rich fish such as tuna, salmon, and trout
- Fiber supplements made of psyllium, which offers soluble fiber
- Whey, a protein found in dairy products that, when used as a supplement, may lower total cholesterol
- Nutritious foods with added sterols and stanols, substances found in plants that block the absorption of cholesterol