Blood Sugar Testing Mistakes to Avoid
You Don’t Wash Your Hands First
You Don’t Get Enough Blood
You Share Fingersticks and Meters
You Squeeze Too Hard
You Use Your Fingertips
You Ignore Wonky Readings
You Use Old Strips
You Don’t Test Often Enough
You Don’t Adjust for Altitude
You’re Not Hydrated Enough
You Buy the Wrong Meter
You Miscode Your Meter
You Don’t Log Your Results
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3) PixelsEffect / Getty Images
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5) Ake Ngiamsanguan / Getty Images
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7) Laures / Getty Images
8) jasastyle / Getty Images
9) Jordan Siemens / Getty Images
10) michellegibson / Getty Images
11) Maskot / Getty Images
12) Karl Tapales / Getty Images
13) Victor Potasyev / Getty Images
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology: "The Effect of an Instant Hand Sanitizer on Blood Glucose Monitoring Results,” “Evaluation of the Effects of Insufficient Blood Volume Samples on the Performance of Blood Glucose Self-Test Meters,” “Factors Affecting Blood Glucose Monitoring: Sources of Errors in Measurement,” “Interferences and Limitations in Blood Glucose Self-Testing.”
Mayo Clinic: “Blood Glucose Monitors: What Factors Affect Accuracy?” “Blood Sugar Testing: Why, When and How,” “Blood Glucose Meter: How to Choose.”
International Journal of Caring Sciences: “Comparison of Fingertip vs Palm Site Sampling on Pain Perception, and Variation in Capillary Blood Glucose Level among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus.”
CDC: “Infection Prevention during Blood Glucose Monitoring and Insulin Administration.”
Diabetes Care: “Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose: The Use of the First or the Second Drop of Blood.”
Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders: “Patient perspectives on self-monitoring of blood glucose: perceived recommendations, behaviors and barriers in a clinic sample of adults with type 2 diabetes.”
American Diabetes Association: “The Big Picture: Checking Your Blood Glucose.”
Wood, J., MD and Peters, A., MD: The Type 1 Diabetes Self-Care Manual: A Complete Guide to Type 1 Diabetes Across the Lifespan, American Diabetes Association, 2017.
Wiley Clinical Health Care Hub: “Practical Diabetes: Effect of dehydration on blood tests.”