Ways to Avoid Needing Insulin

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Tips to avoid needing insulin for type 2 diabetes. The number one thing you can do to improve your blood sugar and reduce your need for medications, including insulin, is to keep your weight in check. If you are overweight, even modest weight loss, 5% to 7% of your body weight, improves your blood sugar. That's just 10 to 14 pounds for a 200 pound person.

If you're not there yet, it's time to get a solid exercise plan. Boost your lean body mass by focusing on upper, core, and lower body strengthening exercises with free weights, machines, or resistance at least three to four times a week.

And don't forget to include the cardio. Shoot for moderate aerobic activity, like jogging or even brisk walking for 60 minutes a day, five days a week. Or try vigorous activity for 20 minutes at least three times a week. Don't stress if you miss a workout sometimes. You can still keep yourself moving throughout your day. Walk a message over to your co-worker instead of emailing. Crank up the music and jam while claiming the house. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, or bike to work. Do floor exercises when watching TV. Just stay active.

Make healthy choices when it comes to diet. Try a Mediterranean diet of lean meats, fish, and lots of veggies. Skip the high calorie items like cakes, candy, and fried foods, or try a plant-based diet plan. Increase your chances of eating healthy by cooking your own meals. Also, cut down portion sizes. Pro tips include using teaspoons, salad forks, or kids utensils to take smaller bites. And if you must have dessert, try sharing rather than eating a whole slice.

Finally, write down what you eat every day in a food journal. Tracking can increase your chances of losing weight. One study showed that people who tracked what they ate at least five days a week lost seven more pounds over those who tracked fewer times a week.