Slideshow: A Visual Guide to Understanding Lupus
What Is Lupus?
Lupus Symptom: Joint Pain
Lupus Symptom: Butterfly Rash
Lupus Symptom: Nail Changes
Lupus Symptoms: Fever and Fatigue
Lupus Symptom: Light Sensitivity
Lupus Symptom: Hair Loss
Lupus Symptom: Raynaud's
Lupus or Something Else?
Diagnosing Lupus
Who Gets Lupus?
Types of Lupus
Medical Treatments for Lupus
Self-Care for Lupus
Lupus and Kidney Problems
Lupus and Heart Problems
Lupus and Lung Problems
Lupus and Digestive Problems
Lupus and Anemia
Lupus and the Nervous System
Lupus and Mental Health
Lupus and Pregnancy
Neonatal Lupus
Living with Lupus
Outlook for Lupus
1) Medi-Mation Ltd / Photo Researchers, Inc.
2) 3D4Medical
3) Interactive Medical Media LLC
4) Interactive Medical Media LLC
5) Larry Dale Gordon/Tips Italia
6) Anna Webb/WebMD
7) Interactive Medical Media LLC
8) Bart's Medical Library / Phototake
9) Pascal Broze
10) Pulse Picture Library/CMP Images
11) Comstock
12) ISM/Phototake
13) Comstock
14) Bill Reitzel/Blend Images
15) 3D4Medical
16) 3D4Medical
17) 3D4Medical
18) Roger Harris/SPL
19) 3D4Medical
20) 3D4Medical
21) Mark Edward Atkinson/Blend Images
22) Sweet Portrayal Photography/Flickr Collection/Getty
23) LaCoppola-Meier/Lifesize
24) Sean Justice/Riser
25) Rosemary Calvert/Photographer’s Choice
American College of Rheumatology web site.
Lupus Foundation of America web site.
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute web site.
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases web site.
S.L.E. Lupus Foundation web site.